Prof. Dr. Yash Raj Shrestha

ETH Zürich
Strateg. Management und Innovation
WEV H 307, Weinbergstr. 56/58
8092 Zuerich
Phone: +41 44 6328171
Email: yshrestha [at] ethz [dot] ch
LinkedIn: external page link
HI, I have moved to HEC Lausanne. Please follow the following link for latest update external page
Short Bio
I study algorithms (esp. algorithms for NP-hard problems) and organisations (esp. new forms of organisations such as online communities). I am especially interested in exploring and understanding how computer science and organization science can learn from each other in terms of concepts, methods and theories.
I was born and raised in the eastern hills of Nepal. I have been a visiting scholar at Laboratory of Innovation Science, Harvard University (USA) and The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc, India). Prior to starting my PhD, from 2010-2014, I held a position as research associate at the Cluster of Excellence (external page MMCI, Germany), which comprises of Saarland University, the Max Planck Institute of Informatics (external page MPII), the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (external page DFKI, Germany), and the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (external page MPI-SWS). There, my research was focussed on Computational Social Choice and Theoretical Computer Science. In 2009-2010, I worked as a software engineer at external page Samsung.
My research and education has been supported through scholarships from several institutions including the Government of India (external page EdCIL), the German Research Foundation (external page DFG) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (external page SNSF).
- PhD in Data Science and Strategy, ETH Zurich
Dissertation: Bridging Data Science and Organization Science: Leveraging Algorithmic Induction to research Online Communities
Committee: Prof. Dr. Georg von Krogh, Prof. Dr. Phanish Puranam, Prof. Dr. Ce Zhang, Dr. Shiko Ben-Menahem, Prof. Dr. Stefano Brusoni (chair)
- MSc in Computer Science, external page Saarland University, Germany
Dissertation: Complexity of disjoint Pi- vertex deletion for disjoint forbidden subgraphs
Committee: Prof. Dr. Jiong Guo, Prof. Dr. Raimund Seidel
- BTech in Electronics and Communication Engineering, external page National Institute of Technology, Durgapur
Professional Service
Ad-hoc Reviewer
- Strategic Management Journal
- Information Systems Research
- Organization Science
- California Management Review
- Research Policy
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Health Policy and Technology
- Journal of Experimental Criminology
- Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
- Technovation
- Innovation: Organization and Management
- The International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
- Information Processing and Management
Conferences and Proceedings
- International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2016-)
- Latin American Theoretical INformatics Symposium (LATIN 2018-)
- International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2016-)
- Annual Meetings, Academy of Management (AOM 2016-)
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2018-)
- European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2018-)
- Computational Social Choice (COMSOC 2018-)
- Strategic Management Society Conferences (SMS 2020-)
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation (USA)
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), 2021: "Sustaining Knowledge Creation in Online Communities: Enabling, Creating, and Maintaining" CHF 569'754 (as CO-PI with G. von Krogh).
ETH Competence Centre for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science (RESC), 2021: “Changing Behaviours”: “Hackster - Patient-led innovation in online communities: An exploratory study of the design principles and the diffusion of affordable rehabilitation technology” CHF 93,033 (as CO-applicant with G. von Krogh, N. Geilinger, M. Meboldt & C. Stadtfeld)
Research Areas I
OSS development, Online communities and open innovation, new forms of organizing
von Krogh, Ben-Menahem & Shrestha (Forthcoming) Artificial Intelligence in Strategizing: Prospects and Challenges, In I. Duhaime, M. Hitt & M. Lyles (Eds.), Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future, Cambridge University Press external page original publication
Shrestha, Y. R., Krishna, V. and von Krogh, G., (2021) Augmenting Organizational Decision-Making with Deep Learning Algorithms: Principles, Promises, and Challenges. Journal of Business Research, 123, 588-603 external page original publication (*Equal contribution)
Tinguely, P., Shrestha, Y. R. and von Krogh, G. (2020) How Does Your Labor Force React to COVID-19? Employing Social Media Analytics for Preemptive Decision Making. California Management Review Insights external page original publication
Shrestha, Y. R., He, V. F., Puranam, P. and von Krogh, G., (2021) Algorithm Supported Induction for Building Theory: How Can We Use Prediction Models to Theorize? Organization Science 32 (3) 856-880 external page original publication (*Equal contribution)
He. F., Puranam P., *Shrestha Y. R., & von Krogh, G. (2020) Resolving governance disputes in communities: A study of license decisions in OSS projects. Strategic Management Journal, 41(10), 1837–1868. external page original publication (*Equal contribution)
*Shrestha, Y. R., Ben-Menahem, S., & von Krogh, G (2019). Organizational Decision-Making Structures in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. California Management Review. external page original publication (*Equal contribution)
Research Areas II
Computational social choice, Mathematics of voting and decision making, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Algorithmic graph theory, Theoretical computer science, Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity
Erdös Number: 4 (Erdös > Noga Alon > Rudolf Fleischer > Jiong Guo > Yash Raj Shrestha)
Computer Science Publications (external page dblp , external page Google Scholar )
Artificial Intelligence & Computational Social Choice
Leopold Franz, Yash Raj Shrestha, and Bibek Paudel. 2020. A Deep Learning Pipeline for Patient Diagnosis Prediction Using Electronic Health Records. In BioKDD 2020: 19th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics, August 24, 2020, San Diego, CA.ACM, New York, NY, USA, external page original publication external page slides external page video
Mario Arduini, Lorenzo Noci, Federico Pirovano, Ce Zhang, Yash Raj Shrestha and Bibek Paudel. Adversarial Learning for Debiasing Knowledge Graph Embeddings. InMLG 2020: 16th International Workshop on Miningand Learning with Graphs - A Workshop at the KDD Conference, August 24,2020, San Diego, CA.ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages. external page original publication external page video
Fairness in Algorithmic Decision-Making: Applications in Multi-winner Voting, Machine Learning, and Recommender Systems. (with Yongjie Yang), Algorithms, 2019, 12(9), 199 external page original publication
How Hard Is Bribery with Distance Restrictions? (with Yongjie Yang and Jiong Guo), In Proc. of the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI '16), Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Applications, vol. 285, pp. 363-371 external page original publication
When Schwartz' Conjecture Holds (with Matthias Mnich and Yongjie Yang), Proc. of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '15) pp. 603-609 external page original publication
How Credible is the Prediction of a Party-Based Election? (with Jiong Guo and Yongjie Yang) In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS '15), pp. 1431-1439 external page original publication
How Hard is Bribery in Party Based Elections? (Yongjie Yang and Jiong Guo) In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS '15 ) (extended Abstract), pp. 1725-1726 external page original publication
Controlling Two-stage Voting Rules (with Jiong Guo), Proc. of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI '14), Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Applications, vol. 263, pp. 411-416 external page original publication
Parameterized Algorithms & Complexity
On the Complexity of Bribery with Distance Restrictions (with Yongjie Yang and Jiong Guo), Theoretical Computer Science, 2019, Volume 760, Pages 55-71 external page original publication
On the Kernelization of Split Graph Problems (with Yongjie Yang, Wenjun Li and Jiong Guo), Theoretical Computer Science, 2018, vol. 734 , pp. 72-82 external page original publication
Kernelization of Two Path Searching Problems on Split Graphs (with Yongjie Yang, Wenjun Li and Jiong Guo),. Frontiers in Algorithmics , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016, (pp238-249). external page original publication
Parameterized Complexity of Edge Interdiction Problems (with Jiong Guo), Theoretical Computer Science Journal (to appear), [Preliminary version in: Computing and Combinatorics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8591, 2014, pp. 166-178 external page original publication]
Complexity of Disjoint Π-Vertex Deletion for Disconnected Forbidden Subgraphs (with Jiong Guo), Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications vol. 18 (2014), pp. 603-631 external page original publication [Preliminary version in : Algorithms and Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8344, 2014, pp. 286-297 external page original publication]
Kernelization and Parameterized Complexity of Star Editing and Union Editing (with Jiong Guo), in: Algorithms and Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7676, 2012, pp. 126-135 external page original publication
Teaching Activities
Industry and Competitive Analysis with Dr. Vivianna Fang He
PhD Seminar: Innovation in the Digital Age with Prof. Georg von Krogh
Master Thesis Supervision
I'm always welcoming students to discuss about potential Master thesis topics, feel free to contact me directly. Example thesis topics, please find here.
Supervised thesis here
Matteo Frondoni, who was tutored by Yash received the Student Prize 2016 from the SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation due to his outstanding master thesis.
Matteo also received ETH Medal 2017 for his outstanding master studies
Christoph Hirnschall, who was tutored by Yash received Willie Studer Prize 2017 for his outstanding master studies.
Apurva Maduskar, who was tutored by Yash received MAS Excellence Award 2018 for her outstanding master studies
Conference presentations (peer reviewed, without proceedings)
• Ben-Menahem, S., Shrestha, Y. R, von Krogh, G. Do or Delegate? Learning to Create and Manage Complexity in Online Collaborative Knowledge Creation. Accepted, to be presented at the Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, August, 2016.
• Ben-Menahem, S., Shrestha, Y. R, von Krogh, G. Make It or Break It: The Endogenous Nature of Idea Evaluation in Collaborative Knowledge Creation. Accepted, to be presented at the Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, August, 2016.
• He F., Shrestha Y. R., Puranam P., von Krogh G., Consensus formation in non-hierarchical organizations: An inductive study. Accepted, to be presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA, August, 2016.
• Ben-Menahem, S., Shrestha, Y. R, von Krogh, G. Do or Delegate? Learning to Create and Manage Complexity in Online Collaborative Knowledge Creation. Israel Strategy Conference, Jerusalem, December, 2015.
• Shrestha Y. R. , Ben-Menahem S., von Krogh G. Coordinating Co-opetition: Insights from Open-Source Cloud Software Development. Paper presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November, 2015.
• He F., Shrestha Y. R., Puranam P., von Krogh G., The emergence of consensus in non-‐hierarchical organizations: A Quantitative Inductive Study. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference, Denver, US, October, 2015. [Nominated for the SMS Best Conference Paper Prize]
• He F., Shrestha Y. R., Puranam P., von Krogh G., The emergence of consensus in non-‐hierarchical organizations: A study of OSS projects in GitHub. Paper presented at the Open and User Innovation Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2015.
• Shrestha Y. R. , Ben-Menahem S., von Krogh G. Coordinating Co-opetition: Insights from Open-Source Cloud Software Development. Paper presented at the Open and User Innovation Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2015.