Conferences and Speeches
- Grumbach, C., Park, C. H., von Krogh, G. "Innovating in Distant Spaces: The Role of Problem Feedback". Presented at the Conference on Field Experiments in Strategy (CFXS), Paris, December 2024.
- Grumbach, C., Park, C. H., von Krogh, G. "Innovating in Distant Spaces: The Role of Problem Feedback". Presented at the Organizational Design Community (ODC) Annual Conference, online, November 2024.
- Grumbach, C., Park, C. H., von Krogh, G. "Innovating in Distant Spaces: The Role of Problem Feedback". Presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, August 2024.
- Herath, S. "Designing Artificial Intelligence Systems in Organizations." Presented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2024, Doctoral Consortium, Bangkok, December 2024.
- Herath, S. "Designing Artificial Intelligence Systems in Organizations." Presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), CTO Doctoral Consortium, Chicago, August 2024.
- von Krosigk, M., Stettner, U., von Krogh, G. "Synchronizing Multi-Goal Pursuits: Coordinative Learning from Performance Feedback" Presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), PDW "Past, Present, and Future of A Behavioral Theory of the Firm", Chicago, August 2024.
- Herath, S., Tinguely, P., von Krogh, G., Shrestha, Y. R. "Drivers of Open Source Artificial Intelligence Development: Evidence from Machine Learning Libraries on GitHub" Presented at the 21st Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI), Harvard Business School, August 2024.
- von Krosigk, M., Weiser, A., Beck, M., Stettner, U., von Krogh, G., Wörter, M. "Knowledge Creation Strategies in AI-based Ecosystems" Presented at the 21st Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI), Harvard Business School, August 2024.
- Tinguely, P. “Facilitating the Transition to Hybrid Work –What Leaders Need to Know”. Presented at the ETH-MTEC Leadership Circle at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, March 26, 2024.
- Grumbach, C., Park, C. H., von Krogh, G. "Innovating for Grand Challenges: The Effects of Problem Feedback versus Solution Feedback". Presented at the 25th Organization Science Winter Conference (OSWC), Zürich, March 2024.
- von Krosigk, M., Weiser, A., Beck, M., Stettner, U., von Krogh, G., Wörter, M. "Knowledge Creation Strategies in AI-based Ecosystems." Presented at the 25th Organization Science Winter Conference (OSWC), Zürich, March 2024.
- Grumbach, C., Park, C. H., von Krogh, G. "Innovating for Grand Challenges: The Effects of Problem Feedback versus Solution Feedback". Presented at the ION Management Lab, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano, April 2024; 3-days visit, invited by Prof. Dr. Alfonso Gambardella and Prof. Dr. Arnaldo Camuffo.
- Grumbach, C., Park, C. H., von Krogh, G. "Innovating for Grand Challenges: The Effects of Problem Feedback versus Solution Feedback". Presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), Milan, July 2024.
- Grumbach, C., Park, C. H., von Krogh, G. "Innovating for Grand Challenges: The Effects of Problem Feedback versus Solution Feedback". Presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), Istanbul, October 2024.
- Herath, S., & Shrestha, Y. R. "Supply Chain Resilience Through Artificial Intelligence-Powered Predicitve Maintenance." Presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), Istanbul, October 2024.
- Park, C. H., Grumbach, C., von Krogh, G. "Innovation Strategies for the Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities: Field Evidence from an Open Innovation Contest." Presented at the Academy of Management Journal, Paper Development Workshop, Copenhagen, April 2024.
- Park, C. H., Grumbach, C., von Krogh, G. "Innovation Strategies for the Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities: Field Evidence from an Open Innovation Contest." Presented at the Alternative Futures, Idea Development Workshop, Lausanne, May 2024.
- Park, C. H., Grumbach, C., von Krogh, G. "Innovation Strategies for the Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities: Field Evidence from an Open Innovation Contest." Presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, August 2024.
- Herath, S., Tinguely, P., von Krogh, G., Shrestha, Y. R. "Understanding the Motivations of Open Source Artificial Intelligence Developers: Evidence from GitHub and Hugging Face" Presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, August 2024.
- Herath, S., Jóhannsson, J. G., Shrestha, Y. R., & von Krogh, G. F. (2023). Artificial Intelligence-Augmented Decision Making in Supply Chain Monitoring: An Action Design Research Study. Presented at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), Kristiansand, Norway, June 2023. external page article
- Park, C. H., Grumbach, C., von Krogh, G. "Innovation Strategies for the Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities: Field Evidence from an Open Innovation Contest." Presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), Cagliari, July 2023.
- Deichmann, Dirk; Park, Chan Hyung; Ben-Menahem, Shiko; Shrestha, Yash Raj; and von Krogh, Georg., 'Do or Delegate? How Individuals Learn from Successes and Failures of Peers.' Presented at Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, USA. August, 8th, 2023.
- Lenzner, A., Tinguely, P. & von Krogh G. "Virtual Communication and Professional Isolation in Hybrid Work". Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Boston, USA, August, 2023.
- Herath, Savindu; Shrestha, Yash Raj; and von Krogh, Georg F., 'AI-Augmented Decision-Making in Human-AI Hybrids: A Case Study' presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of The Strategic Management Society, Toronto, 3 October 2023
- Tinguely, P. “Does Time Pressure Kill or Spark Employee Creativity? The Mediating Role of Energy and the Stimulating Effect of Support for Creativity”. Presented at the LMO Research Seminar at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, January 27, 2023.
- Tinguely, P., Shrestha, Y. R. & von Krogh, G. "Unlocking the Potential of AI in Strategic HR Decision Making". Presented at the 4th AI and Strategy Consortium (virtual), January, 2023.
- Lenzner, A., Tinguely, P. & von Krogh, G. "Virtual Communication and Professional Isolation in Hybrid Work". Presented at the Israel Organizational Behavior Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel, January, 2023.
- von Krogh, G. & Tinguely, P. “Resilient Responding to Social Disapproval in the Digital Panarchy: Containing, Sensing, Steering and Attenuating”. Presented at the SGS Brownbag at HEC Lausanne, Switzerland, November 30, 2022.
- Herath, S., Shrestha, Y. R., and von Krogh, G., 'Design principles for AI-based IS artefacts in organisational decision-making: an action design research study' presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of The Strategic Management Society, London, 19 September 2022
- von Krogh, G., Puranam, P., Zott, C., and Volberda, H. W., 'Innovative Strategies to Build Competitive Strength in an Open and Dynamic World', Panel discussion at 42nd Annual Conference of The Strategic Management Society, London, September 18, 2022
- Herath, S., Shrestha, Y. R., and von Krogh, G., 'Coordinating Code Reuse Within and Across Open-Source Software Projects' at 19th annual conference of the Open and User Innovation Society, virtual conference, 20 June 2022
- Herath, S., Shrestha, Y. R., and von Krogh, G., 'Artificial Intelligence Augmented Decision-making: A Case Study on Processes and Challenges in Nascent Firms' at Strategic Management Society Special conference 2022, Milan, 16 June 2022
- von Krogh, G., 'Zusammenarbeit zwischen ETH und Industrie: Ein Pfeiler der Innovation', Public Research Presentation, June 15, 2022, focusTerra ETH Zurich
- Mueller, J., 'Technologischer Wandel und Digitalisierung im Kanton Zürich', Public Research Presentation, June 15, 2022, focusTerra ETH Zurich
- von Krogh, G., Lenzner, A. & Tinguely, P. “Transitioning to Hybrid Work: Understanding the Role of Technostress”. Presented at the Research Seminar at the University of St Gallen, Switzerland, May 5, 2022.
- von Krogh, G., Hinds P., 'Publishing in Management and Organization Studies', Research Seminar, April 26, 2022, Stanford University, April 26, 2022
- von Krogh, G., Tinguley P., 'Technostress in the transition to hybrid work', IfB Research Seminar, May, 5, 2022, University of St.Gallen
von Krogh, G., 'Global essay Competition Award Winning Ceremony', St.Gallen Symposium, May 5, 2022, University of St.Gallen - Rockmann R., von Krogh, G., and others, Academy of Management Discoveries, Paper Development Workshop, May 12, 2022, Free University of Amsterdam
- Bailey D., Hinds P., Faraj S., Leonardi P., von Krogh, G., 'Emerging Technology and Organization', Organization Science, Virtual Special Issue Conference, June 14, 2022
- von Krogh, G., 'Governing Common Goods in the Age of Emerging Technologies', CNOW Workshop, WTO at Stanford University, October 15, 2021
- Tinguely, P., Shrestha, Y. R. and von Krogh, G. "Black Lives Matter! Organizational Resilience in the Face of Social Movements". Academy of Management Annual Meeting (virtual), August, 2021.
- von Krogh, G., 'The Future of Open User Innovation: A research outlook', Open and User Innovation Conference, RWTH Aachen, June 22, 2021, online
- von Krogh, G., Geilinger, N., Shrestha, Y., & Vilar, E. ‘User Innovation in Rehabilitation Science and Technology’ at the RESC Advisory Board at ETH Zurich, June 4, 2021, online
- von Krogh, G. 'Academic institutions and research in Europe', Doctoral Program in Management, University of California Santa Barbara, June 2, 2021, online
- von Krogh, G. 'Artificial Intelligence in Strategizing: Prospects and Challenges', Lecture at Research Center for Information System Design (ITeG), University of Kassel, March 3, 2021, online
- Müller, J., Geilinger, N., & von Krogh, G. Digital or Durable? An Inductive Study of Manufacturing Firms and Resource Allocation Decisions by Top Management. Strategic Management Society Conference in London (virtual), London, October, 2020.
- Tinguely, P., He, F., Ben-Menahem, S., & von Krogh, G. The Relation between Mentor-Protégé LMX Disagreement and Protégés’ Turnover Intentions. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Vancouver (virtual), Canada, August, 2020. Winner of the 2020 “Best Dissertation-Based Paper” Award of the OB Division.
- He, V. F. New venture team formation. First cut: INSEAD-SMU-ESSEC joint Brownbag seminar, Singapore, December, 2019
- He, V. F. Leader emergence in new venture teams: The interplay between individual emotion regulation and team emotions. Entrepreneurship & Math department joint Brownbag seminar, Babson College, Boston, USA, November 2019.
- von Krogh, G., UC Santa Barbara Paper Development Workshop for the Organization Science Special Issue on Emerging Technologies and Organizing, Santa Barbara, U.S.A., October 10-12, 2019
- Ben-Menahem, S. Digitization Opportunities and Challenges for Regulators and Stakeholders. Swissmedic round table innovation, Bern, Switzerland, Oct. 7, 2019
- von Krogh, G., Research Impact Assessment at the School of Management at SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy, Oct 3-4, 2019
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, V. F. & von Krogh, G. Newcomer Socialization under Multiple Team Membership: The Pivotal Role of Polychronicity. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, August 12, 2019
- Ben-Menahen, S. Moderator. T3: Trials, Tech and Transformation Conference. Philadelphia, PA, August, 2019
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, V. F. & von Krogh, G. Creativity under Time Pressure? When Resources Buffer Energy Depletion. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, August 12, 2019
- Tinguely, P., Creativity Dynamics, Session Chair, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, August 12, 2019
- von Krogh, G., ‘Open Organizing for an Open Society? Connecting Research on Organizational Openness’, Convenor at EGOs Conference Edinburgh, UK, July 4-6, 2019
- Kucukkeles, B., Ben-Menahem, S. & von Krogh, G. New Uses for Existing Resources: A Case of Drug Repurposing. 11th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies. Crete, Greece, June, 2019
- von Krogh, G., ‘Organizing in the Era of Digital Technology’, host of the Conference at Monte Verità, Switzerland, June 12-15, 2019
- von Krogh, G., ‘Small Numbers, Big Concerns: The Role of Social Enterprises in Orchestrating Repurposing for Rare Diseases’, keynote speech at Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli in Rome, Italy, May 23, 2019
- von Krogh, G., ‘Small Numbers, Big Concerns: The Mutual Constitution of Market and Government Failures, Practices, and Organizational Arrangements in Rare Disease Drug Repurposing’, speech at McGill University Montreal, Canada, May 17, 2019
- von Krogh, G., St. Gallen Symposium Wings of Excellence, May 8-10, 2019, St. Gallen
- Ben-Menahem, S. Practices and Organizational Arrangements in Rare Disease Drug Repurposing. MIT Innovation Lab, Cambridge, MA, March, 2019.
- von Krogh, G., ‘Identifying Viable ‘Need-Solution Pairs’: Problem Solving Without Problem Formulation’, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, January 11, 2019
- von Krogh, G., He, F., Jonassen, Z. (2019). Designing effective collaborations: Can external science boost drug-hunting? Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Seminar Series in Basel, Switzerland.
- Geilinger N., Teaching with tech: The transformative potential of technology in teaching. (2019). Refresh teaching event ETH in Zurich, Switzerland.
- He F., Leading creative teams. (2019). World Web Forum in Zurich, Switzerland.
- He. F., Jonassen, Z. (2018). Suppress or reappraise your emotions? Leader emergence in nascent venture teams. AOM Specialised Conference: Start-up to Scale-up in Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Digital transformation in the lab: Result report from digital immersion workshop. (2018). Toolpoint and Spectaris spring meeting in Zurich, Switzerland.
- ETH research activities and research project proposal presentation. (2018). PwC Digital Day with Toolpoint in Zurich, Switzerland.
Paper presentation. (2018). European Academy of Management Annual Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland. - Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He. F., & von Krogh, G. (2018). What is innovation anyway? Creation of concertive and formal control for innovation processes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA.
- Wesemann, H., Sirén, C., He. F., & Dietmar, G. (2018). Learn, learn, but not the same way: How does TMT learning influence radical innovation in SMEs? Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA.
- He. F., Gersdorf, T. & von Krogh, G. (2018) Asymmetric and uncertain? Knowledge creation in teams with expertise diversity. Annual conference of the European Academy of Management in Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Ben-Menahem, S., Woerter, M., von Krogh, G. Organizational Decline and Open Innovation Following an Economic Shock. Open and User Innovation Conference, New York University, NY, August, 2018.
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F. & von Krogh, G. (2018). Showing resilience in time of change: Intelligent career strategies through innovation. 7th LAEMOS Colloquium in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Gersdorf, T., He. F., & von Krogh, G. (2018). Developing resilience against uncertainty in intra- and interorganizational innovation teams. 7th LAEMOS Colloquium in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F. & von Krogh, G. (2018). Innovation under time Pressure: The pivotal role of temporal leadership and employees' human energy. Israel Organizational Behavior Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Ben-Menahem, S., Tinguely, P. (2018). Addressing plagiarism. Teaching Innovations Lab Lunch at D-MTEC in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F. & von Krogh, G. (2018). Showing resilience in time of change: Intelligent career strategies through innovation. 7th LAEMOS Colloquium in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F., von Krogh, G. (2018). What is innovation anyway? The co-coevolution of control mechanisms and organizational innovation structures. The Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA.
- Jonassen, Z. (2018). Understanding new venture teams: Findings at startup weekends. Board Meeting Startup Weekend in Zurich, Switerzland.
- von Krogh, G. (2018). Panel: Current and future research themes in strategy. Israel Strategy Conference in Haifa, Israel.
- Presentation on teaching with tech: Feedback assignments on peergrade. (2017). MTEC TI Lab Lunch Series in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Panelist in professional development workshop on national innovation ecosystems. (2017). Academy of Management Annual Conference in Atlanta, USA.
- Tinguely, P. & He, F. (2017). Sustaining client dialogue: Learning from research at PwC. PwC @12 Seminar in Zurich, Switzerland.
Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F., von Krogh, G. (2017). The enabling or constraining formalization of innovation process controls? A story in the eye of the beholder. Druid Conference 2017 in New York, USA. - Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F., von Krogh, G. (2017). What is innovation Anyway? The co-creation of innovation narratives and controls. The 7th Israel Strategy Conference in Haifa, Israel.
- Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F., von Krogh, G. (2017). The creation of enabling control systems for innovation processes. The 7th Israel Strategy Conference in Haifa, Israel.
- von Krogh, G., Panel, ‘Current and Future Research Themes in Strategy’, Haifa, Israel Strategy Conference, December 17, 2018
- von Krogh, G., Keynote speech, ‘Knowledge creation in multidisciplinary teams’, Copenhagen Business School Denmark, November 9, 2017
- Ben-Menahem, S. Invited seminar, 'Dynamics of Social Boundaries and Knowledge Evaluation in Online Communities', BI Norwegian Business School, Norway, November 9, 2017
- von Krogh, G., Keynote speech, ‘Knowledge creation in multidisciplinary teams’, Business School Aarhus, Denmark, November 8, 2017
- von Krogh, G., Keynote speech, ‘Coordinating knowledge creation in multidisciplinary teams’, 21st International Workshop on Teamworking (IWOT), Trondheim, Norway, September 7, 2017
- Ben-Menahem, S. & Sialm, A. Coordinating Complexity in HIV Clinical Practice', InselSpital, Bern, Switzerland, August 22, 2017.
- Kucukkeles, B., Ben-Menahem, S. & von Krogh, G. (2017). "The Emergence of Resourcing Practices in Epistemic Communities:The Case of Drug Repurposing". Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, August, 2017.
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F. & von Krogh, G. 'Innovation under Time Pressure: The Pivotal Role of Energy and Temporal Leadership'. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta, USA, August, 2017.
- von Krogh, G., Track Chair ‘Problem Solving and Toolkits’, OUI Conference Innsbruck, Austria, July 10, 2017
- von Krogh, G., Session Chair at EGOs Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 8, 2017
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F. & von Krogh, G. 'Under Time Pressure and yet Innovative at Work? - The Role of Temporal Leadership and Human Energy'. Frontiers in MOC-TIM Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, June, 2017
- von Krogh, G., Session Chair ‘Frontiers in the Rough’ at MOC TIM Conference at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 29, 2017
- Ben-Menahem, S., Session Chair 'Frontiers in the Rough' at MOC TIM Conference at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June, 29, 2017
- Ben-Menahem, S., Invited plenary speech, 'Coordinating knowledge creation in multidisciplinary teams', EURAM, Glasgow, UK, June, 21, 2017
- von Krogh, G., He, F., ‘Leading Teams: From Diversity to Creativity’, Speech, D-MTEC Leadership Circle, Zurich, Switzerland, May 22, 2017
- Gersdorf, T., He, F. & von Krogh, G. (2017). Many Conductors, One Symphony? Leading Knowledge Creation in Multidisciplinary Teams. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta, USA.
- He, F., Gersdorf, T. & von Krogh, G. (2017). Are you being understood? Coordinating knowledge work in
interorganizational collaboration. DRUID Conference 2017 in New York, USA. - Kucukkeles, B., Ben-Menahem, S. & von Krogh, G. (2017). " Emergence of Resourcing Practices: The case of drug repurposing ". DRUID Conference 2017 in New York, USA.
- Gersdorf, T., He, F. & von Krogh, G. (2017). Many conductors, one symphony? Leading scientific knowledge
creation in multidisciplinary teams”. DRUID Conference 2017 in New York, USA. - Gersdorf, T., He, F., & von Krogh, G. (2017). Leading Knowledge Creation Across the Firm Boundary. Organization Science Winter Conference in Park City, USA.
- von Krogh, G., St. Gallen Symposium Wings of Excellence, May 3-5, 2017
- Tinguely, P. & He, F. 'Sustaining client dialogue: Learning from research at PwC'. PwC @12 Seminar, Zurich, Switzerland, January 18, 2017
- von Krogh, G., He, F., Gersdorf, C., ‘Many conductors, one symphony? Insights from NIBR’s external research collaboration projects’, NIBR Seminar Series, Basel, Switzerland, January 17, 2017
- von Krogh, G., Coordinating knowledge creation in interdisciplinary teams, Speech, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, December 14, 2016
- von Krogh, G., Identifying Viable ‘Need-Solution Pairs’: Problem Solving Without Problem Formulation, École des Mines Paris Tech, Paris, France, December 8, 2016
- Kucukkeles, B., Ben-Menahem, S., von Krogh, G., How Can Serendipity Be Made To Benefit Problem Solving? Findings From Drug Repurposing, Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA, August, 2016
- Kucukkeles, B., Comprehensive Survey Analysis of Drug Repurposing Sector, 5th Annual Drug Repositioning, Repurposing, and Rescue Conference, Chicago, USA, May, 2016.
- Ben-Menahem, S., He, F., Tinguely, P. & von Krogh, G. Many Leaders Make Innovative Work? The Pivotal Role of Employees’ Knowledge Sharing and Polychronicity. Strategic Management Society Conference in Berlin, Germany, September, 2016.
- von Krogh, G. & He, F. Symposium: Leadership and Innovation in new forms of organizing. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA, August, 2016.
- Ben-Menahem, S., He, F., Tinguely, P. & von Krogh, G. Innovative Behavior under Multiple-Leadership: The Role of Polychronicity and Knowledge Sharing. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA, August, 2016.
- Ben-Menahem, S., Shrestha, Y. R, von Krogh, G. Do or Delegate? Learning to Create and Manage Complexity in Online Collaborative Knowledge Creation. Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, August, 2016.
- Ben-Menahem, S., Shrestha, Y. R, von Krogh, G. Make It or Break It: The Endogenous Nature of Idea Evaluation in Collaborative Knowledge Creation. Accepted, to be presented at the Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, August, 2016.
- Gersdorf, C.T., He, F. & von Krogh, G. Knowledge creation across multiple boundaries. Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Cambridge, August, 2016.
- He, F., Gersdorf, C.T. & von Krogh, G. Many conductors, one symphony: The emergence of shared leadership structure in collaborative knowledge creation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA, August, 2016.
- He F., Shrestha Y. R., Puranam P., von Krogh G., Consensus formation in non-hierarchical organizations: An inductive study. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA, August, 2016.
- Geilinger N., von Krogh, G., & Haefliger, S. Firms’ identification with technology clusters and knowledge sharing between firms. Paper presented at the Druid16 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 2016.
- von Krogh, G.. Coordinating knowledge creation in multidisciplinary teams, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, April, 2016
- Kucukkeles, B., Ben-Menahem, S., von Krogh, G., How Can Serendipity Be Made To Benefit Problem Solving? Israel Strategy Conference, Jerusalem, December, 2015.
- Kucukkeles, B., Ben-Menahem, S., von Krogh, G., Innovating Through Problem-solving Without Problem Formulation: Evidence from Drug Repositioning. Strategic Management Society Conference, Denver, US, October, 2015.
- Ben-Menahem, S., Shrestha, Y. R, von Krogh, G. Do or Delegate? Learning to Create and Manage Complexity in Online Collaborative Knowledge Creation. Israel Strategy Conference, Jerusalem, December, 2015.
- Shrestha Y. R. , Ben-Menahem S., von Krogh G. Coordinating Co-opetition: Insights from Open-Source Cloud Software Development. Paper presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November, 2015.
- Geilinger, N. The Cluster-Ecosystem in the Canton of Zurich and its Influence on Innovation Processes. Input Statement in the Innovation and Industry panel at the Swiss Green Economy Symposium, Winterthur, Switzerland, November, 2015.
- Wedl C., Geilinger N. Open Innovation: Does it enhance the speed of product development? Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference, Denver, US, October, 2015.
- Geilinger N., Haefliger S., Pachidou F. When the drugs don’t work: Hybridization of logics in institutional entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference, Denver, US, October, 2015.
- Pachidou F., Haefliger S., Geilinger N., von Krogh G. When the drugs don’t work: Hybridization of logics in institutional entrepreneurship. Paper presented at the 31st EGOS Colloguium, Athens, Greece, July, 2015.
- He F., Shrestha Y. R., Puranam P., von Krogh G., The emergence of consensus in non-‐hierarchical organizations: A Quantitative Inductive Study. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society Conference, Denver, US, October, 2015
- He. F., Gersdorf, C. T. & von Krogh, G. (2015). “What glues it all together?” The role of leadership and goal orientation in multi-boundary teams. European Groups for Organizational Studies Colloquium, in Athens, Greece, July, 2015.
- Kucukkeles B., Ben-Menahem S, von Krogh G. Dominant logics of problem solving for innovation: Lessons from drug discovery. Paper presented at the 31st EGOS Colloguium, Athens, Greece, July, 2015.
- He F., Shrestha Y. R., Puranam P., von Krogh G. The emergence of consensus in non-hierarchical organizations: A study of OSS projects in GitHub. Paper presented at the Open and User Innovation Society Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2015.
- Shrestha Y. R. , Ben-Menahem S., von Krogh G. Coordinating Co-opetition: Insights from Open-Source Cloud Software Development. Paper presented at the Open and User Innovation Society Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 2015.
- He. F., Gersdorf, C. T. & von Krogh, G. “What glues it all together?” The role of leadership and goal orientation in multi-boundary teams. European Groups for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Athens, Greece. July, 2015.
- Geilinger, N. & von Krogh G. The Cluster-Ecosystem in the Canton of Zurich and its Influence on Innovation Processes. Public presentation of project results, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, February, 2015.
- G. von Krogh. Identifying Viable 'Need-Solution Pairs': Problem Solving Without Problem Formulation', Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 20/11 2014
- G. von Krogh. Identifying Viable 'Need-Solution Pairs': Problem Solving Without Problem Formulation', University of Warwick, 29/10 2014
- N. Geilinger, G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, We are the same, so let us share: Cluster identification and knowledge sharing. Paper presented at Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, Madrid, Spain, September, 2014.
- Trantopoulos, K., S. M. Ben-Menahem, G. von Krogh, M. Wallin, & M. Woerter. The Virtualization of Exchange: Electronic Commerce, Foreign R&D, and Export Performance. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, ISA. August, 2014
- Schneider, A., He, F., Özkol, Z. E., & von Krogh, G. (2014) Social justification of creative ideas: An inductive study of multidisciplinary drug discovery teams. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- N. Geilinger, G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger. Sharing Knowledge in Industry Clusters: An Identity-Based Perspective. Paper presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August, 2014.
- He., F., von Krogh, G., & Spaeth, S. (2014) Perceived firm attributes and intrinsic motivation in sponsored OSS projects. User and Open Innovation Workshop, Boston, MA.
- N. Geilinger, G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger. Sharing Knowledge in Industry Clusters: An Identity-Based Perspective. Paper presented at 14th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Valencia, Spain, June, 2014.
- N. Geilinger, G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, We are the same, so let us share: Cluster identification and knowledge sharing. Paper presented at Geography of Innovation Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, January, 2014.
- N. Geilinger, G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, We are the Same, so Let us Share: Cluster Identification and Knowledge Sharing. Paper presented at Southwest Academy of Management Conference, Dalls, Texas, USA, 13.-15.03/2014
- N. Geilinger, G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, We are the same, so let us share: Cluster identification and knowledge sharing. Paper presented at DRUID Academy conference, Aalborg, Denmark, 15.-17.01/2014
- F. Pachidou, S. Haefliger, G. von Krogh, Stakeholder-embedded learning: the case of augmented products in the pharmaceutical industry, in EURAM 2013, Istanbul, 27/06 2013
- F. Pachidou, S. Haefliger, G. von Krogh, Instead of innovation: How user-embedded learning helps pharmaceutical firms succeed with augmented products, in the 29th EGOS Colloquium in Montreal, Canada, 06/07 2013
- Z. Erden, A. Schneider, G. von Krogh, Uncovering the perspectices to practice-based theory building in 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Lake Buena Vista, FL, 06/08 2013
- He, F., Sirén, C., Singh, S., Solomon, G. T. & von Krogh, G. (2013) Offsetting the diminishing returns of failure experience: The role of emotion regulation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
- He. F., Rechsteiner, L. & von Krogh, G. (2013) Leading to innovate. European Groups for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Montréal, Canada.
- Z. Erden, A. Schneider, G. von Krogh, A review of the empirical literature on social practices in Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 10/9 2012
- R. Sydler, N. Rosenkranz, G. von Krogh, Great Minds think Alike: Isomorphic Pressures on Organizational Ambidexterity in Industry Clusters in Strategic Management Society 32nd Annual International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 10/09 2012
- L. Rechsteiner, G. von Krogh, Between Caring and Ruling in 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, 08/06 2012
- A. Schneider, G. von Krogh, P. Jaeger, "What's coming next?" - Epistemic curiosity and lurking behavior in online communities in 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, 08/06 2012
- G. von Krogh, T. Maillart, S. Haefliger, D. Sornette, Social software and collaborative innovation: implications for organizational design in 72nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, 08/04 2012
- L. Rechsteiner, G. von Krogh, What makes a social practice? Being, knowing, doing ...and leading in 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, 07/07 2012
- Z. Erden, A. Schneider, G. von Krogh, A review of the empirical literature on social practices in 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, Finland, 07/06 2012
- G. von Krogh, M. Wallin, J. H. Sieg, A problem in becoming: How firms formulate sharable problems for innovation contests in Faculty Seminar, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, 06/27 2012
- G. von Krogh, M. Wallin, J. H. Sieg, A problem in becoming: How firms formulate sharable problems for innovation contests in Open Innovation Conference, Imperial College, London, UK, 06/25 2012
- G. von Krogh, Open innovation in the life sciences in Speech at Novartis, Basel, Switzerland, 06/14 2012
- Z. Erden, A. Schneider, G. von Krogh, A review of the empirical literature on social practices in EURAM Annual Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 06/07 2012
- G. von Krogh, Open innovation: Challenges and opportunities in Keynote Speech Business Innovation Day, University of St.Gallen, St Gallen, Switzerland, 04/20 2012
- F. Pachidou, S. Haefliger, G. von Krogh, Disentangeling the “transformational capability’’: How pharmaceutical firms innovate augmented products through asset reconfiguration and stakeholder learning in Research Seminar, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 03/27 2012
- G. von Krogh, What motivates open source software development? A social practice perspective in University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 03/09 2012
- G. von Krogh, Opportunities through Open Innovation in Zurich Life Science Day 2012, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 02/16 2012
- F. Pachidou, S. Haefliger, G. von Krogh, Disentangeling the “transformational capability’’: How pharmaceutical firms innovate augmented products through asset reconfiguration and stakeholder learning in, Università LUISS, Rom, 02/16 2012
- Z. Erden, A. Schneider, G. von Krogh, A Review on Social Practice Literature – Epistemological, Ontological, Political, and Ethical Cuts in MT Research Seminar Series, Zurich, Switzerland, 02/14 2012
- S. Haefliger, T. Maillart, D. Sornette, G. von Krogh, Designing organizations for frugal bursts in Organization Science Winter Conference 2012, Steamboat Springs, CO, 02/11 2012
- G. von Krogh, I. Nonaka, and L. Rechsteiner "Leadership in Organizational Knowledge Creation," DIG seminar series, Politechnico di Milano, Milano, November 29, 2011
- G. von Krogh "Motivation and social practice in open source software," Keynote Speech, TIE Annual Conference, Berlin, November 11, 2011.
- H. Garriga, S. Spaeth, G. von Krogh, Striking balance: Understanding firm and user participation in Collaborative Open Innovation in Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Miami, FL, November 7, 2011
- H. Garriga, E. Aksuyek, G. Von Krogh, F. Hacklin, What social preferences matter in private-collective innovation? Behavioral game theory in collective action in Strategic Management Society Conference, Miami, FL, November 6, 2011
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, S. Spaeth, M. Wallin "Motivation and social practice in open source software" Faculty Seminar, Judge Business School, Cambridge University, October 28, 2011.
- N. Rosenkranz, R. Sydler, G. von Krogh, Great Minds thinks alike: Isomorphism in Organizational Ambidexterity in Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 15, 2011
- H. Garriga, G. von Krogh, S. Spaeth, Joining forces: A framework of multi-partner alliances for public good innovations in Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, August 12, 2011
- H. Garriga, S. Spaeth, G. von Krogh, Resources and knowledge mediate open innovation: a test and extension of Laursen and Salter (2006) in Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, August 12, 2011
- A. Schneider, Z. Erden Özkol, G. von Krogh, Researching Sociomateriality in 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 9, 2011
- F. Pachidou, S. Häfliger, G. von Krogh, Disentangling the “third capability’’: Asset reconfiguration and learning from stakeholders in the pharmaceutical industry in 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 9, 2011
- H. Garriga, G. von Krogh, S. Spaeth, Joining forces: A framework of multi-partner alliances for public good innovations in presented at the EURAM 2011 Annual Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, June 1, 2011
- H. Garriga, S. Spaeth, and G. F. Von Krogh, Resources and Knowledge Mediate Open Innovation: A Test and Extension of Laursen and Salter (2006) in EURAM 2011 Annual Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, June 1, 2011
- H. Garriga, G. von Krogh, S. Spaeth, Striking balance: Interaction between firms and users in Collaborative Open Innovation in Research seminar ETH-MTEC, Zurich, May 24, 2011
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, S. Spaeth, M. Wallin, Carrots and rainbows: The role of practice in motivating contributions to open source software in Bocconi University research seminar, Bocconi, March 22, 2011
- S. Spaeth, M. Stuermer, G. von Krogh, G. Hertel, "The credible sponsor": participants’ motivation and firm attributes in collaborative digital innovation in Seminar presentation, IT University, Göteborg, Sweden, March 22, 2011
- G. von Krogh, I. Nonaka, and L. Rechsteiner "Leadership in Knowledge Creation" Keynote Speech, International Knowledge Management Conference, WM 2011, Innsbruck, Austria, February 23, 2011
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, S. Spaeth, M. Wallin, "Carrots and rainbows: The role of practice in motivating contributions to open source software" Research Seminar, Università degli Studi di Trento, February 17, 2011.
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, S. Spaeth, M. Wallin, "Carrots and rainbows: The role of practice in motivating contributions to open source software" Research Seminar, Dipartimento di Ingeneria Gestionale (DIG) Politecnico die Milano, February 15, 2011.
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, S. Spaeth, M. Wallin, "Carrots and rainbows: The role of practice in motivating contributions to open source software" Research Seminar, Grenoble Ecole de Management, January 28, 2011.
- G. von Krogh, C. Rossi Lamastra, S. Haefliger, Phenomenon-based research in management and organization science: Towards a strategy, Research Seminar WU Wien, 2011
- G. von Krogh and L. Rechsteiner "Leadership in Organizational Knowledge Creation," Morse Seminar Series, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, December 2, 2010
- G. von Krogh and Z. Erden "What drives performance of biopharmaceutical firms," Speech, Pharmacology and Toxicology Seminar Series, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zurich, December 1, 2010
- G. von Krogh "Swiss Manufacturing: The role of Innovation," A Renaissance at Risk: Threats and Opportunities for Swiss Manufacturing, Panel, Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce, Zurich, November 24, 2010
- Z. Erden, D. Klang, R. Sydler, G. von Krogh, "The Impact of Knowledge Structures on Firm Performance in the Biopharmaceutical Industry," Informs Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 9, 2010.
- G. von Krogh "ETH Zurich: Serving Medtech through science and innovation," Swiss Medical Technology meets Healthcare Norway, Speech on the occasion of H.E. the President of the Swiss Confederation Mrs. Doris Leuthard's state visit to Norway, Oslo, Norway, October 15, 2010.
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, P. Jaeger "Under the radar: Industry entry by user entrepreneurs", CIR Lecture, Tillburg University, The Netherlands, October 1, 2010.
- G. von Krogh, "Open Source Innovation", Speech, Stars - the Stein am Rhein Symposium for Leaders of the Next Generation, Stein am Rhein, September 27, 2010
- G. von Krogh, Z. Erden, D. Klang, R. Sydler, "How Stocks of Knowledge impact on Firm Performance in the Biopharmaceutical Industry", Paper Presentation, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Rome, September 14, 2010
- F. Hacklin, M.W. Wallin and G. von Krogh, "Exploring the micro-foundations of tacit and explicit knowledge integration", Paper Presentation, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Rome, September 13, 2010
- H. Garriga, S. Spaeth and G. von Krogh, "Open source software development: Towards a framework for public-good based multi-alliance (preliminary results", Paper presentation, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Rome, September 12, 2010
- G. von Krogh, "Open innovation: What does it take to succeed?", Seminar at University Consortium of Pori, Pori (Finland), September 10, 2010
- G. von Krogh, "Open innovation: What does it take to succeed?", CINET, Zurich, September 7, 2010
P. Jäger, S. Haefliger, G. von Krogh, "A Directing Audience: How Specialized Feedback in a Virtual Community of Consumption stimulates New Media Production", Academy of Management meeting, Montréal, August 8, 2010
- H. Garriga, S. Spaeth and G. von Krogh, "The Influence of Openness in Innovative Performance: The Eclipse Case", Paper presentation, User and Open Innovation Conference, Boston, August 2nd, 2010
- P. Jäger, S. Haefliger, G. von Krogh, "A Directing Audience: How Specialized Feedback in a Virtual Community of Consumption stimulates New Media Production", EGOS, Lisbon, July 1, 2010
- G. F. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, S. Spaeth, S., M. W. Wallin, "Open Source Software: a Review of Motivations to Contribute", 26th EGOS Colloquium, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010
- L. Rechsteiner, G. von Krogh, I. Nonaka, "Leadership in Organizational Knowledge Creation: a review and framework", Paper presentation, Conference on Knowledge in Organizations, Monte Verità, June 2, 2010
- P. Jäger, S. Haefliger, G. von Krogh, "A Directing Audience: How Specialized Feedback in a Virtual Community of Consumption stimulates New Media Production", Conference on Knowledge in Organizations, Monte Verità, June 1, 2010
- F. Hacklin, M.W. Wallin and G. von Krogh, "Exploring the micro-foundations of tacit and explicit knowledge integration", Conference on Knowledge in Organizations, Monte Verità, June 1, 2010
- Georg von Krogh, Award Speech and Moderation, St.Gallen Symposium, University of St.Gallen, May 7, 2010
Stefan Haefliger "Entreprise d'art - rampe de lancement créative". Colloque International Artistes & Entreprises. ERBA, Art & Flux du CERAP Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. Arc-et-Senans, France, March 25, 2010.
- G. von Krogh "Publishing Management and Organization Research," Workshop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, March 19, 2010
- G. von Krogh "Knowledge creation through outsiders", Lecture, Ecole des Mines, Paris Tech, Paris, March 12, 2010
- G. von Krogh "Organizational knowledge creation theory: critique and advancement", Invited presentation, ifi colloquium, Department of informatics, University of Zurich, February 25, 2010
Stefan Haefliger "User entrepreneurship: The case of Machinima". Faculty seminar, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, February 24, 2010
- G. von Krogh "D-MTEC Strategy", ETH Leadership Circle, Zürich, February 5, 2010
- Georg von Krogh "The threats and opportunities of economic and political boundaries". Invited speech, St.Gallen Symposium, University of St.Gallen, May 8, 2009
- Peter Jaeger, Stefan Haefliger, and Georg von Krogh "Emergent Spezialization in a Large Online Customer Community. The Case of Rooster Teeth Productions", presentation at the DIG Seminar Series at Politecnico di Milano on April 21, 2009
- Jan Henrik Sieg, Martin Wallin, and Georg von Krogh "Managerial Challenges In Open Innovation: A Study Of Innovation Intermediation", presentation at Academy of Management Meeting 2009, Chicago
- Stefan Haefliger, Philip Reichen, Peter Jaeger, Georg von Krogh "Modding as rating behavior in virtual communities: The case of Rooster Teeth Productions", presentation at the Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCII) 2009 on 19th-24th July in San Diego, CA.
- Georg von Krogh, Matthias Stuermer, Markus Geipel, Sebastian Spaeth,
- Stefan Haefliger "How Component Dependencies Predict Change In Complex
Technologies", presentation at DRUID conference 2009 on 1st of June, 2009 in Copenhagen, DK.
- Georg von Krogh, Cristina Rossi Lamastra, Stefan Haefliger "Phenomena-Based Research In Management And Organization Science. The Case Of Open Source Software", presentation at EURAM 2009 on 11th-14th May in Liverpool, UK.
- Georg von Krogh, Stefan Haefliger, Peter Jaeger "Learning In Online Communities. The Case Of Machinima", presentation at EURAM 2009 on 11th-14th May in Liverpool, UK.
- Ola Edvin Vie, Martin Wallin, Georg von Krogh "Reducing Tension And Promoting Integration In The Hyper-Text Organization - The Importance Of Managers Showing Care", presentation at EURAM 2009 on 11th-14th May in Liverpool, UK.
- Georg von Krogh, Matthias Stuermer, Markus Geipel, Sebastian Spaeth, Stefan Haefliger "How Component Dependencies Predict Change In Complex Technologies", presentation at EURAM 2009 on 11th-14th May in Liverpool, UK.
- Jan Henrik Sieg, Martin Wallin, Georg von Krogh "Managerial Challenges In Open Innovation: A Study Of Innovation Intermediation In The Chemical Industry", presentation at EURAM 2009 on 11th-14th May in Liverpool, UK.
- Zeynep Erden, Georg von Krogh, Cecilia Nytorp, Marcus Hultberg "Strategic Groups In The Biopharmaceutical Industry: Implications For Performance", presentation at EURAM 2009 on 11th-14th May in Liverpool, UK.
- Georg von Krogh and Ikujiro Nonaka "Leadership in Organizational Knowledge
Creation," Faculty Seminar, Graduate School of
International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, April
13, 2009
- Georg von Krogh "Strategic growth during an economic downturn," Knowledge Forum, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, April 11, 2009
- Ikujiro Nonaka and Georg von Krogh "Leadership in Organizational KnowledgeCreation Theory", CDM Faculty Seminar, EPFL, Switzerland, March 6, 2009
- Georg von Krogh "Open Source Software: What We Know (And Do Not Know) About Motivations To Contribute" Copenhagen Business School, 30 October 2008
- Georg von Krogh, Seonwoo Kim, Zeynep Erden, "Fostering the knowledge sharing behavior of customers in interorganizational healthcare communities" IFIP Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, Shanghai, 17-20 October 2008
- Ikujiro Nonaka and Georg von Krogh "Controversy and advancement in organizational knowledge creation theory," Speech, Department of Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, October 9, 2008
- Marcus M. Keupp, Georg von Krogh, Oliver Gassmann "Defensive Initiatives and the Power of the Periphery: Towards a 'Ledger' of Corporate Entrepreneurship" Academy of International Business 2008 Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy, June 30- July 3, 2008
- Georg von Krogh, S. Haefliger, S.Spaeth, M.Wallin, "Motivations and incentives in open source software development". DIME - DRUID Fundamental on Open and Proprietary Innovation Regimes, Copenhagen, June 17, 2008
- G. von Krogh "Creating the innovative enterprise", Panel and moderation, Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce, Zurich, May 21, 2008
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, and P. Jaeger "Horizontal User Innovation: The Case of Machinima," Presentation, Department of Economics, University of Zurich, May 20, 2008
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, and P. Jaeger "User-innovation beyond market barriers: The case of Machinima", Presentation at SCANCOR conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, March 27-28, 2008
- G. von Krogh "Publishing in Management and Organization Science", Lecture, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, November 9, 2007
- G. von Krogh "Innovation beyond firm boundaries", Lecture, University of Strasbourg - Robert Schuman, France, October
26, 2007
- G. von Krogh "Growth strategy. What does it take to succeed?" Speech, ZFU CEO Forum, Zürich, October 23, 2007
- G. von Krogh, I. Nonaka, and Z. Erden, “Speed of socialization in Organizational Knowledge Creation: A model and preliminary results”, Paper presentation, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, San Diego, October, 14-17, 2007
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, and P. Jaeger, “User-innovation beyond market boundaries: The case of Machinima”, Paper presentation, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, San Diego, October, 14-17, 2007
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger, and Marcel Bogers, “Knowledge and User Innovation: Co-creation by Firms, Users, and Communities”, Workshop, AOM Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 6th, 2007
- G. von Krogh, “Innovation beyond firm boundaries”, Faculty Seminar, Warwick Business School, Warwick, July 5, 2007
- G. von Krogh, “Innovation beyond firm boundaries”, Keynote Speech, IKON Network, Warwick Business School, London, July 4, 2007
- G. von Krogh, “Innovation beyond firm boundaries”, Introductory Lecture, ETH Zurich, June 20, 2007
- G. von Krogh, Innovation beyond firm boundaries, keynote speech, Reputation Institute Annual Conference, Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, June 2, 2007
- G. von Krogh, “Growth Strategy”, Speech to UBS APAC, Hong Kong, April 2, 2007
- G. von Krogh, “Conditions for Organizational Learning”, Speaker, Administrativt Forskningsfond, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, March 29-30, 2007
- G. von Krogh, “Mobilizing Entrepreneurial Talent for Growth and Renewal”, Panelist, Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce, Zurich, March 27, 2007
- G. von Krogh, “Investment Banking Strategy”, Panelist, UBS Investment Bank, Board Meeting, London, March 15, 2007
- G. von Krogh, “New Frameworks for dealing with Digital Piracy”, Expert panelist, World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 27, 2007
G. von Krogh, “CEO Series: Collaborate to Innovate”, Expert panelist, World Economic Fourm, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 26, 2007
- G. von Krogh, “Innovating beyond firm boundaries”, Speech, Hitotsobashi University, Tokyo, December 12, 2006
- G. von Krogh “Innovating beyond firm boundaries”, Speech, Fujitsu Corporate University, Tokyo, December 12, 2006
- G. von Krogh “Matrix: More than a structure, - a frame of mind”, Workshop, AIESEC National Conference, Fiesch, December 2, 2006
- G. von Krogh, “Innovation: Eine Schweizerische Tradition?”, Panel member, PriceWaterhouseCoopers CEO Event, Zurich, October 25, 2006
- G. von Krogh, “Innovating beyond firm boundaries”, Keynote Speech, Evolution of Business Knowledge Conference, London, October 17, 2006
- G. von Krogh, S. Haefliger and S. Spaeth “The practice of Knowledge Reuse in Open Source Software: “Shifting the creative Effort”, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, August 13, 2006
- G. von Krogh “Research on Open Source Software”, Speech at the Academy of Management Conference in Atlanta, USA, August 13, 2006
- G. von Krogh “The promise of private-collective innovation”, Keynote Speech, EURAM Annual Conference, Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, May 18, 2006
- G. von krogh “The promise of private-collective innovation”, Speech, Fujitsu Corporate University, Palo Alto, May 8, 2006
- G. von Krogh "Innovating in Innovation", Session Chair and Moderation, World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 28, 2006
- G. von Krogh "A World without IP", Co-moderation with D. Kirkpatrick and J. Zittrain, World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 27, 2006
- G. von Krogh "Intellectual property in China", Speech at the World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, IT/TC Industry Partners, Davos, January 26, 2006
- G. von Krogh "Social disruptive production", Discussion leader, World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 26, 2006
2005 and older
- G. von Krogh "The future of Intellectual Property in China", Session Chair and Moderation, World Economic Forum, China Business Summit, Beijing, September 9, 2005
- G. von Krogh, "Grow-how" - Elemente erfolgreicher und nachaltiger Wachstumsstrategien", Speech at UBS Outlook, Basel, May 31, 2005
- G. von Krogh "Breakthrough ideas in 2005", Session Chair, World Economic Forum, Asia Roundtable, Singapore, April 29, 2005
- G. von Krogh "Aligning Innovation with Customer Demand", Session Chair, World Economic Forum, Asia Roundtable, Singapore, April 28, 2005
- G. von Krogh "Why do you think they call it innovation?", Session Chair, World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 29, 2005
- G. von Krogh "Grow-how" - Elemente erfolgreicher und nachaltiger Wachstumsstrategien", Speech at Swiss Management Summit, Handelsblatt Tagung, Zuerich, November 23, 2004
- G. von Krogh "Growth strategy: What does it take to succeed?", Speech and panel at Griffith Club, Zuerich, October 7, 2004
- G. von Krogh "Open source: A new innovation model" Speech at ArenaPublica, St.Gallen, June 24, 2004
- G. von Krogh "Open source software: A private-collective model of innovation", The Provost Seminar, Bentley College, Cambridge, Mass. April 23, 2004
- G. von Krogh "Knowledge reuse in open source software innovation", Speech, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 21, 2004
- G. von Krogh "Publishing in academic journals", panel member at workshop, Bentley College, Cambridge, Mass. April 20, 2004
- G. von Krogh "An open source model for creating value", Session Chair, World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos, January 24, 2004
- G. von Krogh, Panel member, "New Business Models for Digital Contents", Governors Meeting, World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 23, 2004
- G. von Krogh "How can you compete with free?", Workshop facilitation, World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 22, 2004
- E. Enkel, A. Back, and G. von Krogh "Towards a framework for knowledge networks for growth: research of an action research study", Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, August 6, 2003
- G. von Krogh, S. Spaeth, and S. Haefliger "Collective action and innovatuion in open source software development: The case of Freenet", Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, August 4, 2003
- G. von Krogh "High-quality relations and the communal resource", Symposium: "From the wings to the center-stage: Enriching understanding of relationships in organizations", Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, August 4, 2003 (Winner of OMT Best Symposium Proposal Award)
- G. von Krogh "Community, joining, and specialization in open source software innovation: A case study", Speech at the HBS-MIT conference on Open Source Software, Harvard Business School, June 19-20, 2003
- G, von Krogh, S. Hafliger, and S. Spaeth "Collective action and communal resources in open source software innovation: The case of Freenet", Poster session at the "65. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung, Verband der Hochschullehrer fuer Betriebswirtschaft: Oekonomik, Management, und Corporate Governance", University of Zurich, June 10-13, 2003
- G. von Krogh "Wissens-generierung", Marketing Forum Haberbeck, Paderborn, May 16, 2003
- G. von Krogh "PwC-A learning organization", Panel member, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Partners' Conference, Interlaken, May 2, 2003
- G. von Krogh, "Knowledge management: Fad or key to future business success?", Session Chair, Governors Meeting, World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 23-28, 2003
- G. von Krogh, "Intellectual Property: Exploring new business models", Session Chair, World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting, Davos, January 23-28, 2003
- G. von Krogh "Exploring new models for the entertainment industry", Session Chair, World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos, January 23-28, 2003
- G. von Krogh "New trends and developments in knowledge management and intellectual capital accounting", Speech at Intellectual Capital Accounting Conference, Ministry of Industry, Copenhagen, December 2, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Nurturing talent in uncertain times", Speech/workshop at the 1st University of St.Gallen Alumni Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 12-14, 2002
- S. Grand and G. von Krogh "Building strategic capabilities in New Ventures", paper presented at European Group for Organizational Studies, 18th Colloqium, July 4-6, Barcelona, Spain, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Open source software: Reflections on the innovation model", Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Denver, Colorado, August 10-15, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Foundations of knowledge creation", Keynote Speech, "Information, Connaissances et Strategies des Organisations: Les systemes d'information et leurs outils au service du development
des connaissances en relation avec les strategies des organizations", Seminaire-Journee D'Etude, Universite de Technologie Troyes et Universite de Pau, Universite de Pau, Pau, France, June 17, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Open source software development: Reflections on the Innovation Model", Speech at Faculty Research Seminar Cycle at Warwick Business School, England, June 10, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Knowledge creation and care", Keynote Speech at the Throne-Holst Conference, Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, June 6, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Knowledge strategy: capturing, sharing, and creating knowledge", Workshop at Computas AS, Oslo, April 9-10, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Open Source Software Develolpment: reflections on the Innovation Model", Keynote Speech at the 3rd European Conference of Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capability, ALBA, Athens, April 5-6, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Management update: Making hard choices", panel member, World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, New York, January 31-February 4, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Nurturing talent in an economic downturn", workshop facilitation, World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, New York, January 31-February 4, 2002
- G. von Krogh "Wissensmanagement" Speech at IHK Forum on school reforms in Canton of St.Gallen, December 6, 2001
- G. von Krogh "Knowledge creation", Speech at the Siemens Meeting of Community of Knowledge Management Practice, Munich, December 3, 2001
- G. von krogh "Wissens-strategie", Speech at UBS Wolfsberg Impuls, Wolfsberg, Switzerland, October 15, 2001
- G. von Krogh "Knowledge creation and innovation", ABB Business Forum, Baden, Switzerland, November 8, 2001
- G. von Krogh "Building growth capabilities", Speech at Strategic Practice Network, Baden, Switzerland, October 8, 2001
- G. von Krogh “Entrepreneurship and firm growth”, Workshop at ZFU Summer University, Flims, Switzerland, July 20, 2001
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge management in professional service firms” Speech at the Advisory Board, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Basel, Switzerland, July 4, 2001,
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge management and Innovation” Speech at the Reemtsma Marketing Academy, Hannover, Germany, June 11, 2001
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge strategy”, Speech at “ The Sm@rt Innovation Conference”, Institute of Technology Management, University of St.Gallen, Zuerich, May 28, 2001
- G. von Krogh “Enabling Knowledge Creation: How to Unlock the Mystery of Tacit Knowledge and Release the Power of Innovation”, Keynote speech at the IBM Academy of Technology, Zuerich, April 26, 2001
- G. von krogh “Knowledge strategy and Tourism: The Example of St.Moritz”, Speech at Academia Engiadina, St. Moritz, April 17, 2001
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Creation and Innovation” Keynote speech at the Executive Forum on Knowledge Management, Organized by Hewlett-Packard, Luzern, January 31, 2001
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy”, Benchlearning workshop, FIM, University of St.Gallen, January 28, 2001
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy”, Speech at Bak Gylden Leadership Forum, Konstanz, Germany, December 7, 2000
- G. von Krogh “Growth strategy and capability” Keynote speech at the “Human Resource Management in the New Economy”, Forum for Human Resources Professionals, ZfU, Zuerich, Noveber 23, 2000
- G. von krogh “Growth strategy and capability building”,Daimler-Chrysler, Management Forum, Haus Lämmerbuckel, Stuttgart, November 10, 2000
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge strategy”, Keynote speech at the Autumn Conference of the Institute of Service and Tourism, University of St.Gallen, Zuerich, October 31, 2000
- G. von Krogh “Wissensstrategie”, Keynote speech at the Seminar Cycle, Bewertung von Immatrielle Gueter, Zuerich, October 24, 2000
- G. von Krogh “Wissensstrategie” Keynote speech at the ZfU CEO Meeting, Flims, Switzerland, Seprember 22, 2000
- G. von Krogh “Three strategies to grow a firm”, Speech at the 4th Annual Knowledge Forum, Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, September 26-28, 2000
- G. von Krogh and P. Erat „Strategic decision making: From an information to a knowledge perspective – A comparative study of Novartis and Siemens AG“ Paper presented at the 20th Annual Strategic Management Society Conference, Vancouver, Canada, October 15-18, 2000
- G. von Krogh and B. Durisin „Knowledge Assets, isolating mechanisms and competitive advantage: An empirical longitudinal study“ Paper presented at the 20th Annual Strategic Management Society
Conference, Vancouver, Canada, October 15-18, 2000
- G. von Krogh, “Knowledge management: New frontiers”, Speech to the management of Draexlmayer Group, Munich, Germany, June 13, 2000
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy”, Speech at top management forum on Knowledge Management, Hilti AG , Schaan, Lichtenstein, June 9, 2000
- G. von Krogh and M. Cusumano „Growth Capabilities“, Keynote Speech at the Conference, Die lernende Region, University of St.Gallen, May 30, 2000
- G. von Krogh and M. Cusumano „Learning to get larger and better: Growth strategies and capabilities of new companies“, Keynote Speech at the Conference on Knowledge and Innovation, Chaired by I.
Nonaka and J.G. March, Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, May 25-26,2000, Helsinki, Finland (Paper published in conference proceedings)
- G. von Krogh “To much Information – Too little Communication”, Panel, PricewaterhouseCoopers CEO Event, Berne, January 10, 2000
- G. von Krogh “The Knowledge Economy: How firms prepare for its consequences”, Keynote speech at the IHK Public Hearing on the workgroup “Knowledge-Based Economy”, Bildungsoffensive IHK
St.Gallen-Appenzell, January 13, 2000
- G. von Krogh “Wissens Strategie”, Speech at the International program on Destination Management, Lech, Austria, January 11, 2000
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy” Speech at Technische Universität Dresden, Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Dresden, December 7, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy” Speech at the conference Business Knowledge Management for Financial Services Providers, Handelsblatt Financial Events and Euroforum, Frankfurt, November 30,
- G. von Krogh “Wissens Strategie” Speech at IHK-Forum, Industrie- und Handelskammer, St.Gallen-Appenzell, Buchs, November 16, 1999
- G. von Krogh, PIM (Program of International Management) meeting, Melbourne Business School, Australia, November 8 – 14, 1999
- G. von Krogh “An Integrated Approach to Knowledge Management”, Speech, Daimler-Chrysler, Knowledge Management Forum, Haus Lämmerbuckel, Stuttgart, October 22, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy” Keynote speech at Strategic Planners Network, Swiss Exchange, Zürich, October 7 – 8, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy: State of the Art”, Speech at the Management Board, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Zürich, Switzerland, September 8, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy”, Keynote speech at the McKinsey & Co. Academy III, Passau, Germany, September 1, 1999
M. Lyles, J.H. Aadne, G. von Krogh “The Making of High Knowledge Acquirers: Understanding the Nature of Knowledge Enablers in International Joint Ventures and Their Foreign Partners”, Paper
presented at the Academy of Management, Chicago, August 9, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Management: The Frontier in Europe” The Fujistu Lecture on Complexity, Japan Institute on Science and Technology, Hokuriku, Japan, July 27, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy”, Presentation at symposium, Business Research Institute, Hakone, Japan, July 22, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy”, Presentation at Symposium, Japan Productivity Center, Tokyo, Japan, July 21, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy” The ZfU/Arthur Andersen/Xerox Executive Conference on Knowledge Management, Zürich, June 10, 1999
- G. von Krogh and H. Schmitz, Senior Vice President, Hewlett-Packard, “Knowledge Management and Competitive Advantage”, RWE Forum, June 9, 1999,Frankfurt, Germany
- G. von Krogh (Leader of panel and speech) “Realizing the benefits of knowledge management”, 29th International Management Symposium at the University of St.Gallen, ISC, June 1, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Why has knowledge management become an issue?” Speech and session leader of “The Strategic Use of Knowledge Management Systems” at the 1999 Strategic Management Conference in
Europe: Strategic Change in this Era of Tumultous Global Competition, Organized by The Conference Board and The Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna, Austria, March 25-26, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy” Keynote Speech at Haniel-Forum: Knowing more than your competitors, Haniel-Akademie, Duisburg, March 17, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy”, Speech at the 7. World Business Dialogue, OFW, Cologne, March 3-4, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy”, Keynote speech at the European Executive Symposium on Knowledge Management, by Xerox, Arthur Andersen, and ZfU, Zürich, March 2, 1999
- G. von Krogh and S. Grand “The role of Justification in New Knowledge Production”, Paper presented at the Workshop of the Swiss Society for Organization Research, University of Zürich, February 16
and 17, 1999
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge Strategy” The ZfU/Arthur Andersen/Xerox Executive Conference on Knowledge Management, Zürich, March 2, 1998
- G. von Krogh "Enabling Knowledge Creation: The role of Care", ZFU/Arthur Andersen Congress on Knowledge Management III, Zürich, December 8, 1998
- G. von Krogh “Knowledge creation: a new source of value”, Seminar and workshops in the executive program for knowledge management, Focus Conferences, Amsterdam, October 23, 1998
- G. von Krogh “Cultural conditions for knowledge creation”, Keynote speech at The Economist Conference for CEO’s, “Knowing More than Your Competitors”, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center, London,
September 24, 1998
- M. Lyles, J.H. Aadne, and G. von Krogh “The Making of High Knowledge Acquirers: Understanding the nature of knowledge enablers in international joint ventures” paper presented at the INFORMS/College on
Organization Science Conference, Seattle, October 24-26, 1998 and the
Strategic Management Society Conference, Orlando Florida, November, 1998
- S. Grand and G. von Krogh "The role of care in knowledge creation", 2nd IIR Conference on Knowledge Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry, London, September 24, 1997
- M. Venzin and G. von Krogh “Power to Know”, Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, San Diego, August 7-12, 1998
- G. von Krogh "Nurturing good relations in knowledge creation: The role of care" Speech at the 2nd IKON ICBI/Arthur Andersen Conference of "Knowledge Management in Practice, London, United
Kingdom, June 16, 1998
- G. von Krogh "Knowledge Creation - A new source of value",Workshop with representatives from top management, Rentenanstalt/Swiss Life, Zürich, Switerland, June 8, 1998
- G. von Krogh and K.H. Pasch "Strategieprozesse bei der RWE", Workshop, Ehemalige Forum, University of St.Gallen, June 5, 1998
- G. von Krogh "Knowledge Management" Keynote Speech, Eurotour/ACT, University of St.Gallen, May 1, 1998
- G. von Krogh "Knowledge creation: A new Source of Value" Keynote speech at the executive conference on Industrial Change Beyond 2000, Kongsberg, Norway, April 16, 1998
- G. von Krogh "Enabling knowledge creation: The role of care", Keynote Speech at 3rd international conference on the Dynamics of Strategy, University of Surrey, Surrey, April 23-24, 1998 (available
in conference proceedings, p. 1-30)
- G. von Krogh "Excellence at knowledge management" Keynote speech at internal Unilever executive conference, London, April 20, 1998
- G. von Krogh with A. Back "Enabling knowledge" Speech at Unilever, Rotterdam, April 6, 1998
- K. Ichijo and G. von Krogh "Care: Enablers for developing knowledge based competence of a firm", Hitotsubashi University, 1998
- G. von Krogh "Enabling Knowledge Creation: The role of Care", ZFU/Arthur Andersen Congress on Knowledge Management II, Zürich, December 25, 1997
- A. Back and G. von Krogh "The Knowledge Source: Challenges and opportunities in Knowledge Management", IIR Conference on Knowledge Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry, London, December 24, 1997
- G. von Krogh "Next Practice in Strategy", Speech at the Strategic Planners Network, Conference organized by Institute of Management and Siemens AG, Munich, October 16-17, 1997
- G. von Krogh "Next Practice in Strategy" Speech at Gemini Consulting, Alumni meeting, and Strategy Discipline Workshop, Frankfurt, October 10, 1997
- G. von Krogh and I. Nonaka "Care in Knowledge Creation”
Keynote speech at the First Annual UC Berkeley Forum on Knowledge and
the Firm, University of California, Berkeley, Hosted by Robert E. Cole
and David J. Teece, Berkeley, USA, September 29 and 30, 1997
- G. von Krogh "Enabling Knowledge” Speech at The International Congress on Knowledge Management, London, June 4, 1997
- G. von Krogh "Enabling Knowledge Creation", Annual
Conference, Center for Human Resource and Organizational Development,
Hamar, Norway, May 28, 1997
- G. von Krogh "Enabling knowledge for competitive
advantage", Scandinavian Leadership Forum, March 11/12, and RSO Forum
Alta Professionalita, Milano, April 23, 1997
- G. von Krogh "Vom Wissen Zur Kernkompetenz", Keynote
speech at the ZFU/Arthur Andersen Congress on Knowledge Management I,
Zürich April 16, 1997
- von Krogh, G. and J. Roos "Ten claims on knowledge
management", Panel at the Strategic Management Society Conference,
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 10-13, 1996
- von Krogh, G. and J. Roos, "Ways of Knowing in Companies",
Paper presented at Strategic Management Society Conference, Phoenix,
Arizona, USA, November 10-13, 1996
- Wathne, K., Roos, J. and von Krogh, G. „The role of trust
and openness for knowledge transfer in strategic alliances“, paper
presented at The Strategic Management Society Conference, Mexico City,
October 15-18, 1995
- von Krogh, G. and Roos, J.: "Anti-representationist
perspectives on organizational learning", paper presented at The
Institute for Management Sciences Conference, Detroit, 23-26 October
- von Krogh, G., Roos, J. and Yip, G.: "The epistemology of
globalizing firms", paper presented at the international conference on
International Organizational Studies, hosted by Prahalad, C.K. and
Murtha, T., University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor, January 1994
- von Krogh, G., Roos, J. and Slocum, K.: "An Essay on
Corporate Epistemology", paper presented at the Special Issue
Conference, Strategic Management Journal, hosted by Prahalad, C.K. and
Hamel, G., University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor, September 1993
- von Krogh, G., Roos, J. and Herem, T.: "Knowledge Transfer
and Strategic Change", paper presented at the Strategic Management
Society Conference, Chicago, 1993
- von Krogh, G. and Roos, J.: "Knowledge and Competitive
Advantage: The Unclear Role of Imitation", paper presented at the
Strategic Management Society Conference, Chicago, 1993 - von Krogh, G.: "The Role of the Strategic Dialogue in
Combining two Organizations", SDA Bocconi, 1990 (also presented at the
10th Strategic Management Society Conference in Stockholm, September