Estevan Vilar

Enlarged view: Estevan

Strategic Management and Innovation
WEV H 313
Weinbergstrasse 56/58
8092 Zürich


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Research interests

  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine-Learning and Organization theory
  • Epistemology and philosophy of science
  • Technological change and society

Short biography

Estevan is a Swiss-Spanish scientific assistant and doctoral student at the Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation at ETH Zurich. He is also a Research Associate at the Strategy and Artificial Intelligence Lab.

His research projects are about the effects of artificial intelligence on various aspect of organisations (knowledge creation, organizational design, collective decision-making, and fairness).

He holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Management from external pageESCP Europea MicroMaster in Data, Economics and Development Policy from the external pageMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Development Studies from the external pageUniversity of Cambridge. He previously held internship positions as a data analyst at Bloomberg LP, research assistant at the United Nations (ECLAC) and working student at Accenture.

Master Thesis Supervision

If you're interested in writing your thesis on a topic related to organisation theory, artificial intelligence, and strategic management please first visit this page.

Potential topics:

  • What are the properties and structure of agency costs when decision-making is delegated to artificial agents, and how do they differ from classical agency costs?
  • Deep-learning platforms (TensorFlow, PyTorch etc.) and open-source development, what can we learn for platform strategy?
  • Can artificial intelligence foster creativity in the art (e.g. music composition) OR manufacturing industry (e.g. materials, drug discovery, design architecture)? What are the implications for innovation?
  • How can artificial intelligence be leveraged to solve “grand challenges” in the private or public sector? (e.g. rising health costs, food waste, energy/water consumption, inequality, COVID, democratic representation, inequality etc.)

Teaching activities

Fall 2020

Strategic Management, Assistant to Prof. von Krogh

Industry and Competitive Analysis, Assistant to Dr. Fang He and Dr. Shrestha

Fall 2019

Industry and Competitive Analysis, Assistant to Dr. Fang He.

Open-User Innovation, Assistant to Prof Dr.Haefliger and Prof. Dr. Spaeth.


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