Innovation Brown Bag Seminars

The Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation runs the "Brown Bag Research Seminar on Innovation". This series invites researchers from around the world to present recent work or working papers. The intention behind the series is to accelerate exchange and learning.

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Upcoming Seminars 

Brown bag seminars 2024

Feb 26, Associate Prof. Adam Kleinbaum (Tuck School of Business)

Jun 11, Associate Prof. Malte F. Jung (Cornell University)

Jun 26, Prof. Gabriel Szulanski (INSEAD)

Sept 24, Prof. Tuure Tuunanen (University of Jyväskylä)

Oct 2, Prof. Thomas Zellweger (University of St. Gallen)

Nov 6, Assistant Prof. Lindsey D. Cameron (Wharton Universiy of Pennsylvania)

Nov 27, Assistant Prof. Paul Hünermund (Copenhagen Business School)


Previous Seminars


Adam M. Kleinbaum (Tuck School of Business), 26 Feb

“Rewiring the Organizational Network: Corporate Offsites and Network Tie Formation”


Lauren C. Howe (University of Zurich), 21 Sept

“Does playing up one's humanity pay off for leaders?”

Reddi Kotha (Singapore Management University), 19 Sept

“How Does War Story Sharing by Successful Entrepreneurs Shape Entrepreneurship Training?”

Jana Gallus (UCLA, Anderson School of Management), 03 July

“Incentives and the social fabric of the knowledge economy: Evidence from field experiments”

Ariane Froidevauxv (The University of Texas at Arlington), 28 June

“Pre-​Retirement Resources and Post-​Retirement Life Satisfaction Change Trajectory: Examining the Mediating Role of Retiree Experience during Retirement Transition Phase”

Pamela Hinds (Stanford University), 11 May

“Co-​creation in Open Innovation Communities: The Role of Feedback Networks in Creative Project Performance”

J. Peter Murmann (University of St. Gallen), 27 Mar

“Foresight—Its role in Strategic Management and new measurement approaches”

Eero Vaara (University of Oxford), 02 Feb

“Navigating moral controversy: sensegiving and sensemaking dynamics in extreme contexts”


Renate E. Meyer (WU Vienna), 02 Nov

‘One frame to bind them all’. The rhetoric of the anti-​vaccination for large-​scale institutional disruption.

Paola Criscuolo (Imperial College London), 02 Oct

Seeking advice for evaluating ideas: ideators’ status and evaluators’ agency

Marleen Huysman (VU Amsterdam), 24 May

Studying AI@Work, A practice based perspective


Emmanuelle Vaast (McGill), 14 April

When digital technologies enable and threaten occupational identity: The delicate balancing act of data scientists

Hila Lifshitz-Assaf (NYU Stern), 24 March

Using Technology to Augment Professionals, Not Replace Them, for Innovative Problem Solving


Lars Frederiksen (Aarhus University), 20 October

Cheered by the Crowd, Rejected by the Firm: The Ripple Effect of Rejections in Contest-based Online Communities


Brian Pentland (MSU), 11 December

Analyzing context and process with digital trace data

Marvin Lieberman, (UCLA), 20 November

How economic value is created and distributed among firms and their stakeholders: Evidence from the US airline industry, 1980-2017

Patrick Reinmöller, (Cranfield University), 4 November

Exploring Ecological Effectiveness of Simple Rules: A Simulation of Team-level Responsiveness and New Management Practice Adaptation

Michael Cusumano (MIT), 26 September

Research Risk-Taking and Ownership of Public Corporations

Gautam Ahuja (Cornell), July 3 2019

Research Risk-Taking and Ownership of Public Corporations

Paul R. Carlile  (BU), May 22 2019

Hacking Health: Opening Up Digital Health Innovation in Montreal

Stine Grodal (BU), May 8 2019

Gems, Skin or Chrome: Aesthetic Shifts in the U.S. Hearing Aid Industry (1945-2015)

Keld Laursen (CBS), April 3 2019

The effect of high-skilled migrant hires and integration capacity on firm-level innovation performance: Is there a premium?

Gino Cattani (NYU), March 6 2019

Gino gave a talk titled: "Overcoming the Liability of Novelty: The Power of Framing"


Samer Faraj (McGill), June 29 2018

Samer gave a talk titled: "Losing Touch: How Robots Transform the Practice of Surgery"

Martha S. Feldman (UCI), June 27 2018

Martha gave a talk titled: "Enacting Resources"

Jing Zhu (HKUST), May 30 2018

Jing gave a talk titled: "Newcomer Identification: Trends, Antecedents, Moderators and Consequences"

Thomas Keil (UZH)May 23 2018

Thomas gave a talk titled: "When Focus Hurts: Search Focus in Core-Periphery Structures"

Andreas Georg Scherer (UZH), March 14 2018

Andreas gave a talk titled: "Corporate Governance for Responsible Innovation: Approaches to Corporate Governance and their Implications for Sustainable Development"


Xavier Castañer (HEC, UNIL), Nov 30 2017

Xavier gave a talk titled “The Determinants of the Number, Novelty & Usefulness of Ideas in Innovation Teams with Disciplinary Diversity”

Pascal Le Masson (MINE Paris Tech), Nov 15 2017

Pascal gave a talk titled “Managing in the unknown: towards a post-decisional paradigm in management”

Peter Bamberger (Tel Aviv University), Nov 1 2017

Peter gave a talk titled “Pay Transparency: A Review of Recent Findings and Some Hints at What's Coming Down the Pike….” 

Richard Whittington (Oxford), June 28 2017

Richard gave a talk titled "Professional Structures and Practice Change: Institutionalization Processes in Accounting and Strategy"

Phanish Puranam (INSEAD), June 15 2017

Phanish gave a talk titled "Decentralized Resource Allocation & Ex-Post Cooperation: Experimental Evidence"

Erwin Danneels (USF Muma College of Business), June 7 2017

Erwin gave a talk titled “Talking inside the Corridor or Navigating the Labyrinth: Market Experience and Information Elaboration in Founding Teams”

Øystein Fjeldstad (Norwegian Business School), May 23 2017 

Øystein gave a talk titled "Designing the Digital Organization"

Paul Leonardi (UCSB), May 10 2017 

Paul gave a talk titled "Social Media and Shared Cognition: Exploring the Effects of Network Expansion, Content Integration, and Triggered Recalling "

Michael Jacobides (LBS), Jan 25, 2017

Michael gave a talk titled " The Dynamics of Change and Stability in Private Equity’s Industry Architecture"


Peer Fiss (University of Southern California), Dec 6, 2016

Peer gave a talk titled "Developing Theories for Exceptional Outcomes in Complex Digital Worlds: The Enabling Role of QCA"

Bart Clarysse, (Imperial College/ETH), Nov 17 2016

Bart gave a talk titled "Disentangling the technology to market problem: How do organisations search for new markets?"

Jason Shaw (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Nov 2 2016

Jason gave a talk titled "Thoughts on Publishing in AMJ and Other Reflections"

Natalia Levina (NYU), Sep 27 2016

Natalia presented a paper titled "Framing Innovation Opportunities While Staying Committed to an Organizational Epistemic Stance: Crowdsourcing, Data Science, and Beyond"

Laura Cardinal  (University of South Carolina), June 9 2016

Laura presented a paper titled "The Genesis of Control Configurations During Organizational Founding"

Jochen Runde (Cambridge), May 4 2016 

Jochen presented a paper titled "Sociomateriality, imbrication theory and the denizens of the digital"

Michael Jacobides (London Business School), Feb 8 2016

Michael presented a report titled "Transforming scope, reshaping banking: A population study of the antecedents and performance implications of US banks’ entry into and exit from new businesses, 1990-2014"

Samer Faraj (McGill University), Jan 20 2016

Samer presented a paper titled "What happens when corrupt practices meet digitization?"


Ammon Salter (Bath), Dec 10 2015

Ammon presented a paper titled "Under pressure: Academic secrecy, professional workloads, and domestic responsibilities"

Markus Baer (Washington U, St. Luis), Nov 25 2015

Markus presented a paper titled "Whose idea is it anyway? The development of collective ownership in new ventures founded by a solo entrepreneur"

Holger Patzelt (TUM), June 24 2015

Holger presented a paper titled "Managing R&D professionals’ transitions from one project to the next: Effects on empowerment, affective commitment, work stress, and subsequent project performance"

Soumitra Dutta (Cornell University), June 16 2015

Soumitra gave a seminar on "The Global Innovation Index 2014".

Marjorie Lyles (Indiana U), May 26 2015

Marjorie presented a paper titled "Learning to Collaborate through Collaboration: How Allying with Expert Firms Influences Collaborative Innovation within Novice Firms"

Ann Majchrzak (USC), May 22 2015

Ann presented a paper titled "Development and Test of Sociotechnical Designs to Foster Collaborative Innovation in Community-Based Innovation Contests"

Dovev Lavie (Technion), Apr 8 2015

Dovev presented a paper titled "The Contingent Value of the Dedicated Alliance Function"

Dan Raff (Wharton), Mar 11 2015        

Dan presented a paper titled " What Became of Borders"


Zhike Lei (December 10, 2014)

Zhike Lei, EMST, presented a paper titled "Team adaptiveness in dynamic contexts: Contextualizing the roles of interaction patterns and inprocess planning"

Tina Ambos (October 15, 2014)

Tina Ambos, Sussex University, presented a paper titled "Hierarchical perceptual distance: A new perspective on strategic consensus"

Jeff Reuer (September 3, 2014)

Jeff Reuer, Purdue University, presented a paper titled "Mechanisms of Hybrid Governance: Administrative Committees in Non-Equity Alliances"

Jochen Runde (April 8, 2014)

Jochen Runde, Cambridge University, presented a paper titled "Uncovering unknown unknowns: Towards a baconian approach to management decision-making"

Annabelle Gawer (March 26, 2014)

Annabelle Gawer, Imperial College, presented a paper titled "Bridging differing perspectives on technological platforms: Toward an integrative framework"

Sheen Levine (March 19, 2014)

Sheen Levine, Columbia University, presented a paper titled "Open collaboration for innovation: Principles and performance"

Ryan Murphy (March 13, 2014)

Ryan Murphy, ETH, presented a paper titled "Predicting cooperation in strategic interactions: Social preferences and beliefs"

Michael Wade (February 20, 2014)

Michael Wade, IMD, presented a paper titled "Anchored Agility: How to Effectively Manage the Balance between Local Flexibility and Global Efficiency"

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Joachim Henkel (December 18, 2013)

Joachim Henkel, TUM School of Management, presented a paper entitled "Value appropriation in hierarchical modular systems"

Adam Tatarynowicz (December 11, 2013)

Adam Tatarynowicz, Tilburg University, presented a paper entitled "Friends and Foes: The Dynamics of Dual Social Structures"

Charles Snow (November 28, 2013)

Charles Snow, Smeal College of Business - Penn State University, presented a paper entitled "The Architecture of Collaboration: Organizing Resources Among Large Sets of Actors"

Todd Zenger (November 5, 2013)

Todd Zenger, Washington University, presented a paper entitled "Open or Closed Innovation? Problem Solving and the Governance Choice"

Antonino Vaccaro (October 31, 2013)

Antonino Vaccaro, IESE Business School, presented a paper entitled "Trust and Parochialism in a Culture of Crime"

Valentina Tartari (October 24, 2013)

Valentina Tartari, Copenhagen Business School, presented a paper entitled "A foot in both camps? The effect of self-monitoring on academics`engagement with industry"

Amri B. Johnson (October 15, 2013)

Amri B. Johnson, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research-NIBR, presented a paper entitled "Organization, Heal Thyself: Creating a Mechanism for Organizational Self-Examination towards Sustainable Innovation"

Tobias Kretschmer (May 27, 2013)

Tobias Kretschmer, LMU Munich, presented a paper entitled "Firm Resources and Managerial Risks"

Gianluca Carnabuci, (April 9, 2013)

Gianluca Carnabuci, Università della Svizzera Italiana, presented a paper entitled "Social Structure from the Bottom Up: How Relational Schemas Shape the Emergence of Leadership Structures"

Stefan Bechtold and Thomas Maillart, (January 24, 2013)

Stefan Bechtold and Thomas Maillart, ETH Zurich, presented a paper entitled "Diversity of Open Source Licenses and Cumulative Innovation"

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Juliana Sutanto, (December 6, 2012)

Juliana Sutanto, ETH Zurich, presented a paper entitled: "A Multimodal Core-Periphery Network Perspective of Open Source Software Projects"

Alessandro Lomi, (November 14, 2012)

Alessandro Lomi, Università della Svizzera italiana, presented a paper entitled: "Participation motifs and the emergence of organization in open productions"

Michael A. Cusumano, (September 21, 2012)

Michael Cusumano, MIT Sloan School of Management, presented two papers entitled: "Services and the Competitive Strategies of Product Firms" and "Services and the Business Models of Product Firms: An Empirical Analysis of the Software Industry".

Frank T. Rothaermel, (July 4, 2012)

Frank T. Rothaermel, College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, presented a paper entitled: "Does Desperation lead to Opportunity? Star Scientists and the Speed of Investment in Radical New Technologies"

Kamal A. Munir, (June 4, 2012)

Kamal A. Munir, Cambridge Judge Business School, presented a paper entitled: "Power and Persuasion: Explaining the Rise of Microfinance"

Alfonso Gambardella, (April 24, 2012)

Alfonso Gambardella,&nbsp;Bocconi University, presented a paper entitled: "The Value of Patented Inventions at the Extensive and Intensive Margin"

Linus Dahlander, (March 27, 2012)

Linus Dahlander, ESMT European School of Management and Technology, presented a paper entitled: "How Organizations Cull the Pool of User Suggestions"

Elgar Fleisch, Irena Pletikosa (March 6, 2012)

Elgar Fleisch Irena Pletikosa, ETH Zurich, presented a paper entitled: "Evaluation Framework for Social Media Brand Presence"

JC Spender, (February 20, 2012)

external page JC Spender, ESADE & LUSEM, presented a research note entitled: "On Humanizing the Firm"

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Koen Heimeriks, (December 14, 2011)

Koen Heimeriks, Rotterdam School of Management, presented a paper entitled: "Manifestations of Higher-Order Routines: The Underlying Mechanisms of Deliberate Learning in the Context of Post-Acquisition Integration"

Jan Ljungberg, Bertil Rolandsson, Magnus Bergquist, (November 23, 2011)

Jan Ljungberg, Bertil Rolandsson, Magnus Bergquist, University of Gothenburg, presented a paper entitled: "Open source in the firm: Opening up professional practices of software development"

Steven O. Kimbrough, (July 11, 2011)

Steven O. Kimbrough, University of Pennsylvania, presented a paper entitled: "Product Innovation and Text Analytics."

Chris Tucci (June 8, 2011)

Chris Tucci, EPFL, presented a paper entitled: "Exploring the impact of information technology on firm performance: The role of IT exploitation potential."

Mike Russo (May 24, 2011)

Mike Russo, University of Oregon, presented a paper entitled: "Institutional Logics and Regional Cluster Emergence: Evidence from the Wind and Solar Energy Industries."

Mats Magnusson and Jennie Björk (May 4, 2011)

Mats Magnusson and Jennie Björk, KTH Stockholm, presented a paper entitled: "Ideation in networks."

Jonathan Doh (April 11, 2011)

Jonathan Doh from the Villanova School of Business in Philadelphia spoke about "RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP AND TALENT RETENTION: INSIGHTS FROM INDIA"

Chris Dellarocas (January 19, 2011)

Chris Dellarocas from Boston University gave a seminar on "Media, Aggregators and the Link Economy: Strategic Hyperlink Formation in Content Networks," co-authored by Chrysanthos Dellarocas, Zsolt Katona, and William Rand

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Chris Steyaert (December 7, 2010)

Chris Steyaert, University of St.Gallen, gave a seminar around the idea of performance in the field of entrepreneuring. Co-presenters were Laurent Marti and Christoph Michels who presented video material from their field study.

Liisa Valikangas (November 16, 2010)

Liisa Valikangas, Aalto School of Economics, presented a Brown Bag seminar entitled: "Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and Mobilizing People: Building Reservoirs for Change" by: Liisa Välikangas and Georges Romme

Ulf Andersson (October 5, 2010)

Ulf Andersson,&nbsp;Copenhagen Business School, presented a Brown Bag session on: "How Subunits Gain and Exercise Power in Large Organizations."

Paul Carlile (September 8, 2010)

Paul Carlile, Boston University, presented a Brown Bag session about: "Opening Up the Black Box of Distributed Innovation: The Novelty-Confirmation-Transformation Cycle in Software and Science"paper co-authored with Karim Lakhani of Harvard Business School.

Dorothy Leidner (June 22, 2010)

Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, presented a Brown Bag session about: "A Theory and Empirical Investigation of IS Strategy and IS Performance"

Marjorie Lyles (May 4, 2010)

Marjorie Lyles, Indiana University, presented a Brown Bag session about: "Organizational Learning and Outward Foreign Direct Investment by Emerging Market Firms: The case of private Chinese firms"

Stefano Brusoni (March 3, 2010)

Stefano Brusoni, Bocconi University, presented a Brown Bag session about: "Do Organizations Dream of Electric Sheep? Routine Dynamics and Organizational Identity".

Jochen Runde (February 23, 2010)

Jochen Runde, Cambridge Judge Business School, presented a Brown Bag session about: "Ontology and Technology".

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Lee Fleming (December 16, 2009)

Lee Fleming, Harvard Business School, presented a Brown Bag session about: "Regional Disadvantage? Non-compete agreements and brain drain"

Emmanuelle Fauchart (November 25, 2009)

Emmanuelle Fauchart, Université de Lausanne, presented a Brown Bag session about: "Schumpeterians, communitarians, missionaries: exploring founder identity in entrepreneurship"

Massimo Colombo (November 4, 2009)

Massimo Colombo, Politecnico di Milano, presented a Brown Bag Session about: "Delegation of decision authority in firms doing business with Open Source communities: an empirical investigation", co-authored by Cristina Rossi.

George Kuk (October 28, 2009)

George Kuk, Nottingham University, presented a Brown Bag Session about: "Eyeballs, Bugs, and Releases in Open Source Software".

Sonali Shah (September 30, 2009)

Sonali Shah, University of Washington, presented a Brown Bag session about: "Innovation, Social Structure & the Creation of New Industries: User Communities as Paths from Innovation to Industry".

Markus Reitzig (March 25, 2009)

Markus Reitzig (London Business School) presented a Brown Bag session about "Capturing value by 'donating' patents?! – or how wolves in sheep’s clothing put the cat among the pigeons", which is joint work with Oliver Alexy from Imperial College.Prof. Dr.

Juliana Sutanto (March 11, 2009)

Prof. Dr. Juliana Sutanto&nbsp;from MTEC, ETH Zurich, presented a brown bag research seminar on innovation about "The Effects of User Support Network Configurations on the Success of OSS Usage"

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt and Dr. Christina Raasch (February 25, 2009)

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Herstatt&nbsp;and&nbsp;Dr. Christina Raasch&nbsp;from Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg presented a paper entitled: "The open source model beyond software: Comparative case studies on the open design of tangible goods"

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Prof. Nicolai Foss (December 2, 2008)

external page Nicolai Foss from Copenhagen Business School and Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration presented a Brown Bag session about "Linking Customer Interaction and Innovation: The Mediating Role of New Organizational Practices (with a Prolegomenon)".

Prof. Bob Galliers (November 6, 2008)

Prof. Bob Galliers from Bentley University presented a paper entitled: "Seeking ambidexterity and agility in Information Systems Strategy: The process of IS strategizing"

Prof. Stephan Wagner (October 29, 2008)

Prof. Stephan Wagner from MTEC, ETH Zurich, presented a paper entitled: "Critical Aspects in Tapping Supplier Innovation".

Prof. Mark Ebers (June 5, 2008)

Prof. Mark Ebers from the University of Cologne presented a Brown Bag session

Dr. Lars Bo Jeppesen (Mai 28, 2008)

Dr. Lars Bo Jeppesen from Copenhagen Business University presented a Brown Bag session about "Lead users as facilitators of knowledge sharing in an online usercommunity".

Prof. Charles Baden-Fuller (April 29, 2008)

Prof. Charles Baden-Fuller from Cass Business School in London presented a&nbsp;Brown Bag session about Replicating Organizational Knowledge.

Prof. Dr. Christian Lüthje (April 1, 2008)

Prof. Dr. Christian Lüthje from University of Bern presented a&nbsp;Brown Bag session about his current user innovation projects.

Dr. Whitney (January 30, 2008)

Dr. Whitney from MIT visited MTEC and presented a Brown Bag session about improving door system design for better attribute performance. This event was in collaboration with the TIM group and Swiss CAR.

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Prof. Dr. Andreas Georg Scherer (December 19, 2007)

external page Prof. Dr. Andreas Georg Scherer from University of Zurich presented a Download Brown Bag session about the political role of business in the globalized world (PDF, 608 KB).

Prof. Dr. Hans Gersbach (December 12, 2007)

Prof. Dr. Hans Gersbach from MTEC, ETH Zurich presented a Brown Bag session on macro economical aspects of investments in basic research. A working paper on the topic can be found external page here.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann (November 14, 2007)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann from University of St. Gallen presented a Brown Bag session on The Power of Defaults.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. A. Kieser (October 24, 2007)

external page Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. A. Kieser from University of Mannheim presented a Brown Bag session about Download specialist learning in radical product innovations (PDF, 48 KB).

Prof. Ikujiro Nonaka (June 28, 2007)

external page Prof. Ikujiro Nonaka from Hitotsubashi University visited the Chair of Strategic Management and presented a Brown Bag session on Download Strategic Management as Distributed Phronesis (PDF, 1.6 MB).

Prof. Joel West (May 22, 2007)

Prof. Joel West from San José State University presented Download a chapter of the forthcoming book Digitizing Communications: From MIT to Qualcomm (PDF, 7.9 MB), co-authored by Caroline Simard. See also the video abstract about the chapter.

Dr. Cristina Rossi (March 28, 2007)

Cristina Rossi from Politecnico di Milano presented her Download paper on firm involvement in open source software projects (PDF, 394 KB).

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Prof. Volker Hoffmann (December 6, 2006)

Prof. Volker Hoffmann from ETH Zurich presented a follow-up paper on the EU emission trading system.

Prof. Gudela Grote (November 29, 2006)

Prof. Gudela Grote and Hannes Günter from MTEC, ETH Zurich presented on organizational issues in technology innovation from a work psychological perspective:

Download Organizational issues in technology innovation: a work psychological perspective (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Prof. Joachim Henkel (November 16, 2006)

Prof. Joachim Henkel from TU München presented the paper he wrote with Oliver Alexy entitled: "Promoting the Penguin: Who is Advocating Open Source Software in Commercial Settings?".

Prof. Roman Boutellier (November 2, 2006)

Prof. Roman Boutellier from MTEC, ETH Zurich presented on productivity of research in the pharmaceutical industry:
Download China’s unique position in discovery and preclinical research (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Prof. Dominique Foray (October 10, 2006)

Prof. Dominique Foray from EPFL presented on measuring knowledge in economic surveys: Download Enriching the indicator base for the economics of knowledge (PDF, 467 KB)

Prof. Volker Hoffmann (July 4, 2006)

Prof. Volker Hoffmann from MTEC, ETH Zurich presented a working paper about the Download European CO2 Emission Trading - Do companies innovate in spite of uncertainty, or do they just wait and see? (PDF, 1 MB)

Prof. Margrit Osterloh (June 29, 2006)

Prof. Margrit Osterloh from the University of Zurich gave an engaging talk on a paper written together with Bruno S. Frey entitled:
"Corporate governance for knowledge production". The presentation slides can be downloaded Download here (PDF, 1 MB).

Dr. Iwan von Wartburg and Dr. Katja Rost (June 22, 2006)

Dr. Iwan von Wartburg from the University of Hamburg and Dr. Katja Rost from the University of Zurich presented a paper they wrote togehter with Dr. Christoph Lettl entitled: "Technological Merit of User Inventions in Surgery"

Prof. Georg von Krogh (June 1, 2006)

Prof. Georg von Krogh from MTEC, ETH Zurich started the Brown Bag series by introducing "The promise of Pivate-Collective Innovation". The presentation slides can be downloaded Download here (PDF, 986 KB).

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