Prof. Dr. Vivianna Fang He
Strategic Management and Innovation
WEV J 418 Weinbergstr. 56/58, 8092 Zürich
Phone: +41 44 632 88 37
Vivianna a former senior researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation. Vivianna’s research centers around collaboration for innovation. She studies this phenomenon in three empirical contexts: new venture teams, research and development collaborations, and open-source software communities. Employing a broad spectrum of methods ranging from grounded theory to machine learning, her empirical studies focus on the fundamental challenges to collaboration, including goal asymmetry, information asymmetry, and conflict. Her interdisciplinary research, which combines organizational and psychological theories in novel ways, has been published in leading journals and won competitive grants.
As a triathlet, Vivianna enjoys the challenges of endurance sports. Having finished a number of marathons and Ironman 70.3 races in US, China, Switzerland and Germany, her next race is the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in Taupō, New Zealand. Vivianna believes in promoting inclusion and empowerment of socially disadvantaged groups through sports. Outside academia, she serves the steering committee of the "Fast and Female" initiative Switzerland. external page #fastandfemaleSUI
- PhD Business Administration, OB/Entrepreneurship track
The George Washington University, School of Business
Dissertation: Learning from Failure: The Making of Entrepreneurial Leaders
Committee: George Solomon (Chair), James Bailey (Co-Chair), Sheetal Singh, Christopher Kayes, & Shyam Giridharadas - BS, Major: Tourism & Hospitality Management; Minor: Social Psychology
Xiamen University, School of Management & Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Management
Practical Experience
- PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), Business Advisory, Singapore, 2011
- The International Labor Organization (ILO), Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises Project, Geneva, 2010
- Learning More when Learning Together: Antecedents and Consequences of New Venture Team Learning, Swiss National Science Foundation (As CO-PI, with Charlotta Sirén, Georg von Krogh, & Dietmar Grichnik)
- Leading and Coordinating Knowledge Creation in Online Communities, Swiss National Science Foundation (As CO-PI, with Georg von Krogh & Shiko Ben-Menahem)
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Shrestha, Y. R., *He, F., Puranam, P., & von Krogh, G. (Forthcoming) Algorithm supported induction for building theory: How can we use prediction models to theorize? Organization Science. (*shared first authorship)
- *He. F., Puranam P., Shrestha Y. R., & von Krogh, G. (2020) external page Resolving governance disputes in communities: A study of software license decisions. Strategic Management Journal, 41(10), 1837-1868. (*shared first authorship)
- Sirén, C., He, F., Wesemann, H., Jonassen, Z., Grichnik, D., & von Krogh, G. (2020) external page Leader emergence in nascent venture teams: The critical roles of individual emotion regulation and team emotions. Journal of Management Studies, 57(5), 931-961.
- Gersdorf, T., He. F., Widmer, H., Schlesinger, A., Ehrismann, D., Koch, G., & von Krogh, G. (2019) external page Demystifying industry-academia collaborations in drug discovery. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 18, 743-744.
- He, F., Sirén, C., Singh, S., Solomon, G. T. & von Krogh, G. (2018) external page Keep calm and carry on: Emotion regulation in entrepreneurs’ learning from failure. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42(4), 605-630.
- Spaeth, S., von Krogh, G., & *He., F. (2015) external page Perceived firm attributes and intrinsic motivation in sponsored OSS projects. Information Systems Research, 26(1), 224-237. (*shared first authorship)
Book Chapters & Best Paper Proceedings
- He* & Puranam (forthcoming) external page Collaborative organizing: Managing conflict without authority. In Snow & Fjeldstad (Eds.) Designing Modern Organizations. Cambridge University Press. (*shared first authorship)
- Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He. F., & von Krogh, G. (2018) What is innovation anyway? Creation of concertive and formal control for innovation processes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceeding.
- He, F., Sirén, C., Singh, S., & Solomon, G. T. (2012) Why do some entrepreneurs fail forward (while others do not)? A moderated mediation model of entrepreneurial learning, emotional intelligence, and goal orientation. International Council for Small Business World Conference Best Paper Proceeding.
Under Review
- [Innovation strategy and control] R&R, Administrative Science Quarterly, with Shiko Ben-Menahem, Christian Wedl, & Georg von Krogh.
- [Conflict and meta-conflict] R&R, Research Policy, with Georg von Krogh, Charlotta Sirén, & Thomas Gersdorf.
- [Informal leadership hierarchy] R&R, Organization Studies, with Georg von Krogh, & Charlotta Sirén.
- [Innovation strategy in tech. ventures] Under review, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, with Charlotta Sirén, Henrik Wesemann, & Joakim Wincent.
Conference Contributions
- He, F., Sirén, C., Jonassen, Z., Wesemann, H., von Krogh, G. & Grichnik, D. (2020) The lasting effect of idea framing on idea development and nascent venture team survival. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Berkeley(virtual), USA. [Nominated for the SMS Best Paper Prize]
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F., & von Krogh, G. (2019) Creativity under time pressure? When resources buffer energy depletion. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, in Boston, USA.
- Tinguely, P., He, F., Ben-Menahem, S., & von Krogh, G. (2019) Newcomer socialization under multiple team membership: The pivotal role of polychronicity. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, in Boston, USA.
- Wedl, C., Ben-Menahem, S., He. F., & von Krogh, G. (2018) What is innovation anyway? Creation of concertive and formal control for innovation processes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA.
- Wesemann, H., Sirén, C., He. F., & Dietmar, G. (2018) Learn, learn, but not the same way: How does TMT learning influence radical innovation in SMEs? Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA.
- He. F., Gersdorf, T. & von Krogh, G. (2018) Asymmetric and Uncertain? Knowledge Creation in Teams with Expertise Diversity. Annual conference of the European Academy of Management, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F. & von Krogh, G. (2018) Showing resilience in time of change: Intelligent career strategies through innovation. 7th LAEMOS Colloquium in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Gersdorf, T., He. F., & von Krogh, G. (2018) Developing resilience against uncertainty in intra- and interorganizational innovation teams. 7th LAEMOS Colloquium in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- He, F., Gersdorf, T., & von Krogh, G. (2017) Many conductors, one symphony? Leading knowledge creation in multidisciplinary teams. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta, USA.
- He, F., Gersdorf, T. & von Krogh, G. (2017) At the interface: Spanning multiple boundaries in collaborative innovation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta, USA.
- Tinguely, P., Ben-Menahem, S., He, F., & von Krogh, G. (2017) Innovation under time pressure: The pivotal role of energy and temporal leadership. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta, USA.
- Gersdorf, T., He, F., & von Krogh, G. (2017). Leading Knowledge Creation Across the Firm Boundary. Organization Science Winter Conference in Park City, USA.
- von Krogh, G. & He, F. (2016) Symposium: Leadership and Innovation in new forms of organizing. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA.
- He, F., Gersdorf, T. & von Krogh, G. (2016) Many conductors, one symphony: The emergence of shared leadership structure in collaborative knowledge creation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA.
- He F., Shrestha Y. R., Puranam P., von Krogh G. (2016) Consensus formation in non-hierarchical organizations: An inductive study. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA.
- Ben-Menahem, S., He, F., Tinguely, P. & von Krogh, G. (2016) Many leaders make innovative work? The pivotal role of employees’ knowledge sharing and polychronicity. Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, USA.
- He F., Shrestha Y. R., Puranam P., von Krogh G. (2015) The emergence of consensus in non-‐hierarchical organizations: A Quantitative Inductive Study. Strategic Management Society Conference, Denver, CO. [Nominated for the SMS Best Conference Paper Prize]
- He F., Shrestha Y. R., Puranam P., von Krogh G. (2015) The emergence of consensus in non-hierarchical organizations: A study of OSS projects in GitHub. Open and User Innovation Society Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.
- He. F., Gersdorf, C. T. & von Krogh, G. (2015). “What glues it all together?” The role of leadership and goal orientation in multi-boundary teams. European Groups for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Athens, Greece.
- Schneider, A., He, F., Özkol, Z. E., & von Krogh, G. (2014) Social justification of creative ideas: An inductive study of multidisciplinary drug discovery teams. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- He., F., von Krogh, G., & Spaeth, S. (2014) Perceived firm attributes and intrinsic motivation in sponsored OSS projects. User and Open Innovation Workshop, Boston, MA.
- He, F., Sirén, C., Singh, S., Solomon, G. T. & von Krogh, G. (2013) Offsetting the diminishing returns of failure experience: The role of emotion regulation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
- He. F., Rechsteiner, L. & von Krogh, G. (2013) Leading to innovate. European Groups for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Montréal, Canada.
- He, F., Gasda, J.-M., Fueglistaller, U., & Fust, A. (2012) Addressing tensions within the knowledge creation process of small- and medium-sized enterprises. Rencontres de St-Gall, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
- He, F. (2012) Learning from failure: The making of successful entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Bachrach, D., Nielsen. T, Harvey, J. Hui, C. & He, F. (2012) Paying it forward: A trickle-down model of OCB. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- He, F., Sirén, C., Singh, S., & Solomon, G. T. (2012) Why do some entrepreneurs fail forward (while others do not)? A moderated mediation model of entrepreneurial learning, emotional intelligence, and goal orientation. International Council for Small Business World Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Kang, J., He, F., & Cortina, J. (2012). Abusive Supervision and its negative consequences: A meta- analysis. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- He, F., Tsay, C., & Lee, J. (2011) A theoretical framework of entrepreneurial learning from failure. International Council for Small Business World Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
- He, F. (2011) Entrepreneurial passion and venture performance. US Association of Small Business & Entrepreneurship Annual Conference Doctoral Consortium, Hilton Head Island, SC.
- He, F. (2010) Looking beyond social performance: How do employee-focused corporate social responsibility practices contribute to a more satisfied, committed workforce? PhD Sustainability Academy, London, Canada.
- He, F. & Nielsen, T. (2010) The complex linkage between leader member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada.
- He, F., Zhang, Y. & Xi, Y. (2008) Discrimination against rural migrant workers in China: A closer examination of the impact. International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health, Washington, DC.
Invited Talks
- Leader emergence in new venture teams: The interplay between individual emotion regulation and team emotions. Entrepreneurship & Math department joint Brownbag seminar, Babson College, Boston, USA, November 2019.
- Leader emergence in new venture teams. EPFL The Management of Technology & Entrepreneurship Institute (MTEI) seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2019.
- Asymmetric and uncertain? Knowledge creation in teams with expertise diversity. China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) Brownbag, Shanghai, China, February 2018.
- Keep calm and carry on: Emotion regulation in entrepreneurs’ learning from failure. Imperial College Business School, London, UK, September 2016.
- Keep calm and carry on: Emotion regulation in entrepreneurs’ learning from failure. EPFL The Management of Technology & Entrepreneurship Institute (MTEI) seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2016.
- Leading creative people: A paradox and an explanation. Max-Planck Institute Challenges of Knowledge Creation Workshop, Munich, Germany, December 2014.
- Competitive analysis: Tools and techniques to analyze the industry. RebecoSam Investment Office Seminar, Zurich, Switzerland, November, 2019.
- Designing effective collaboration: Can external science boost drug-hunting? Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Seminar Series, Basel, Switzerland, August, 2019.
- Leading creative teams. World Web Forum, Zurich, Switzerland, January 2019.
- From diversity to creativity: Leading teams in knowledge-intensive business. Swiss Senior Executive Leadership Circle, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2017.
- Sustaining client dialogue for innovation: Learning from research at PwC. PwC @12 Seminar, Zurich, Switzerland, January 2017.
- Many conductors, one symphony? Insights from NIBR’s external research collaboration projects. Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Seminar Series, Basel, Switzerland, January, 2017.
- China’s political & economic reforms: What’s new about the new Leadership? UBS Strategy Forum, Wolfsberg, Switzerland, September 2015.
- Industry Competitive Analysis (Master/MBA elective)
- Entrepreneurship (MBA core)
- Entrepreneurial Learning: Theory Practice and Play (MBA elective)
- Academic Writing (PhD workshop)
Special issue co-editor
• The internet of things: Managerial & entrepreneurial opportunities, Technovation. (with Bart Clarysse & Chris Tucci)
Dissertation committees
• Thomas Gersdorf (2014–2019, his dissertation was awarded the ETH medal, the highest distinction for all ETH graduates)
• Patrick Tinguely (2015–2020, one of the essays of his dissertation won the OB devision best dissertaion-based paper award at AoM)
• Zoe Jonassen (2017–)
Conference and Committees
• Co-Organizer, Organizing in the Era of Digital Technology, Ascona, Switzerland, 2019
• Commitee member, International Human Resource Management Scholarly Research Award, AoM HR division, 2018
Ad-Hoc Reviews
- Journals
- Strategic Management Journal
- Academy of Management Journal
- Academy of Management Discovery
- Organization Science
- Organization Studies
- Research Policy
- Information Systems Review
- Information Systems Journal
- Journal of Organization Design
- Journal of Business Venturing
- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
- Long Range Planning
- British Journal of Management
- Journal of Small Business Management
- Grants
- Swiss National Science Foundation