

Göran Roos, Georg von Krogh and Johan Roos og Lisa Boldt-Christmas
Strategi - en innføring, 6. utgave
Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 2013

Towards Organizational Knowledge

G. von Krogh, H. Takeuchi, K. Kase, and C. G. Cantón (eds.)
Towards Organizational Knowledge: The Pioneering Work of Ikujiro Nonaka
Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, 2013

Organizational epistomology

G. von Krogh, and J. Roos
(Japanese translation of "Organizational Epistemology")
Palgrave MacMillan, Tokyo, 2010

Enlarged view: Internet Strategi

G. Roos, G. von Krogh, and J. Roos
Strategi - en innføring, 5. utgave
Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 2010

Putting knowledge

A. Back (ed.), G. von Krogh, A. Seufert, E. Enkel (series editors)
Putting knowledge networks into action: Methodology, Development, Maintenance[Paperback]
Springer, Berlin, 2010

Enabling Knowledge

G. von Krogh, K. Ichijo, and I. Nonaka
기업의 무형지식 창출을 통한 혁신증진 가이드
(Korean translation of "Enabling Knowledge Creation")
Publisher: HUFS (Hankook University of Foreign Study), 2009

Knowledge Networks

A. Back, E. Enkel, and G. von Krogh (eds.)
Knowledge Networks for Business Growth
Springer, Berlin, 2007

Getting Read about

A. Back, G. von Krogh, E. Enkel, and A. Seufert (eds.)
Getting real about knowledge networks
Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2006

Putting knowledge Network

G. von Krogh, A. Back, and A. Seufert
Putting knowledge networks into action
Springer, Berlin, 2005

Living Knowledge

A. Carlsen, R. Klev and G. von Krogh (eds.)
Living Knowledge: The dyanmics of Professional Service Work
Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, 2004

Enabling Knowledge

G. von Krogh, K. Ichijo, and I. Nonaka
Enabling Knowledge Creation: How to Unlock the Mystery of Tacit Knowledge and Release the Power of Innovation
Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 2000

Enabling la

G. von Krogh, K. Ichijo, and I. Nonaka
Facilitar la Creacion de Conocimiento: Como Desentranar el Misterio del Conocimiento Tacito y Liberar el Poder de la Innovacion
(Spanish translation of "Enabling Knowledge Creation")

Enabling TR

G. von Krogh, K. Ichijo, and I. Nonaka
Bilginin Üretimi
(Turkish translation of "Enabling Knowledge Creation")

Knowledge Creation

G. von Krogh, I. Nonaka, and T. Nishigushi (eds.)
Knowledge Creation: A Source of Value
MacMillan, London, 1999

Knowledge in Firms

G. von Krogh, J. Roos, and D, Kleine (eds.)
Knowing in Firms
Sage, London, 1998


Roos, G., von Krogh, G. and Roos, J.
Strategy (in Swedish)
Studentlitteratur, Lund, 1998

Roos, G., G. von Krogh, J. Roos (eds.)
Strategy as competitive advantage
Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 1997 (in Norwegian)

Managing Knowledge

von Krogh, G. and Roos, J.
Managing Knowledge: Perspectives on Cooperation and Competition
Sage, London, 1996

Managing Knowledge

von Krogh, G. and Roos, J.
Managing Strategy Processes in Emergent Industries: The case of Media Firms
MacMillan, London, 1996


von Krogh, G. and Roos, J.
Organizational Epistemology
MacMillan, London and St. Martins Press, New York, 1995 (selected “Best Book on the Subject” by Community Intelligence Lab. USA)

Roos, G., von Krogh, G. and Roos, J.
Introduction to Strategic Management
Fagbokforlaget, Oslo, 1st edition 1995, 2nd edition 1996, (in Norwegian)


von Krogh, G. (ed.)
The Management of Corporate Acquisitions
Palgrave Macmillan, 1994

Roos, G., von Krogh, G. and Roos, J.
2. expanded edition, Green Valley University Press, 1994, (in Norwegian)

von Krogh, G. and Roos J.
Green Valley University Press, 1994, (in Norwegian)

Yip, G. (with Roos, J. and von Krogh, G.)
Global Strategy
Green Valley University Press, 1994 (in Norwegian)

von Krogh, G. and Roos, J.
Cooperative strategies: Acquisitions and Alliances
Norwegian University Press, Oslo, 1993

Singh, H., von Krogh, G. and Sinatra, A. (eds.)
Managing Corporate Acquisitions
MacMillan, London, 1993

Colombo, G., Comboni, G., Dubini, P. and von Krogh,, G.
Complexity and Management
EGEA, Milano, 1991 (in Italian)

von Krogh, G.
A Theoretical Analysis of Stategy Implementation in a Newly Acquired Organization
Division of Organization and Work Science, The Norwegian University of Technology and Natural Sciences, Trondheim, 1991 (doctoral dissertation)