Academy of Management Discoveries publishes new paper by Georg von Krogh on artificial intelligence in organisations.
The paper Artificial Intelligence in Organizations: New Opportunities for Phenomenon-Based Theorizing was published in Academy of Management Discoveries.
Call for Papers - Digital Transformation: What is new if anything?
What core assumptions and relationships in the extant research are no longer valid in a world transformed by digital technologies?
Call for Submissions: Organizing in the Era of Digital Technology
The Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation organizes a conference in the ETH seminar center Monte Verità near Ascona from 12 to 15 June 2019.
At the Pulse of Research
Swisscom is shaping Switzerland’s digital future with various universities. Instead of just providing funding, Swisscom prefers active cooperation, a permanent on-site presence and common targets for knowledge and technology transfer. On the one hand, fusing research and practice creates improved services and products, and on the other, students gain insights into real-life issues in industry.
Offene Position - Stab Strategische Hochschulentwicklung
Die Strategische Hochschulentwicklung ist die erste Anlaufstelle für Angelegenheiten der strategischen Planung und Entwicklung und von strategischen Projekten der ETH Zürich.